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Some advice to choose the map of village


Senior Member
May 5, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
First I have to say that these are not my advice, I just summarize some of them and also it is just for reference, but not suitable for everyone. It just depends on you.


Here is the point:

①The square(event plaza?) should be the midst in the whole village, cause it seems a good balance.

②The slope should be vertical, not horizontal, cause it is easy to reach the dock.

③The beach should not be cut to two parts.

④The waterfall should be vertical, not horizontal, to easy to see it well.

⑤The pond should be only one, cause it is very obstructive. (By the way, the Max is 5 ;))

⑥The recycle shop should be very close to the dock, to easy to sell the beetle caught from the island, and also, very close to your home to easy to sell the stock. (stock and beetle is the most important 2 ways to get rich, especially stock)

⑦The Town Hall should be close to the station, the square and your home.

⑧The river should be the 'S' type, cause the vertical length is enough long to fishing easily.

P.S This example map is not mine, my map is soooooo bad...
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I agree with most of those things!

I think I'd rather have my beach cut in two and the dock on the very end though. I want the two beach ramps to be on complete opposite sides of the beach so that when I go beach foraging it will be easy to just go down one side and up the other without having to double back on yourself too much.

That's totally a personal preference though.

I do think that if I got the example map there I'd totally shout hooray and pick it. XD It's close enough for me! =D
1. I'd like my plaza to be somewhere in the middle because I think it looks good, but it doesn't matter that much to me.
2. What does the direction of the slope have to do with how easy it is to reach the dock?
3. I'd like my own private beach that you can only get to by swimming, actually!
4. I don't get it. I've never seen a horizontal waterfall. Doesn't that defy the laws of gravity?
5. This is actually news to me. One or two ponds sounds nice.
6. I never really understood this, but I've heard it before. Doesn't it take you twenty seconds or so max to go from one side of the town to the other? Doesn't seem like a big deal to me, but I might be missing something here.
7. Same thing as 6.
8. Aren't all rivers about equal length, if not the same? Can't really think of any disadvantages due to shape with fishing. Having said that, I do prefer rivers that go through the whole town rather than ones that only take up a very small part.
These are some interesting pieces of advice, but I'm probably going to ignore them all for aesthetic reasons, haha. I very much want a little peninsula at the top of the town for my house with a little private beach below it.
Is Town Hall, town square, etcetc all randomly placed, or is it set for each map?

Town hall, square, recycle shop are random.

The station is the same each map.

The coffee and the police box can be set up by yourself.
Is Town Hall, town square, etcetc all randomly placed, or is it set for each map?

I think that's what it is. There was a picture going around showing all variations of rivers and beaches and they had not townhalls etc pencilled in.
①The square(event hall?) should be the midst in the whole village, cause it seems a good balance.

②The slope should be vertical, not horizontal, cause it is easy to reach the dock.

③The beach should not be cut to two parts.

④The waterfall should be vertical, not horizontal, to easy to see it well.

⑤The pond should be only one, cause it is very obstructive. (By the way, the Max is 5 ;))

⑥The recycle shop should be very close to the dock, to easy to sell the beetle caught from the island, and also, very close to your home to easy to sell the stock. (stock and beetle is the most important 2 ways to get rich, especially stock)

⑦The Town Hall should be close to the station, the square and your home.

⑧The river should be the 'S' type, cause the vertical length is enough long to fishing easily.
1. Eh, while that would be nice, I don't think it needs to be there.
2. Don't agree at all. I think the sideways slope looks nicer.
3. Why not? I think having a split beach is really nice!
4. That sounds good, no point in having a waterfall if you can't see how nice it looks.
5. I would actually like two of the little holding ponds. I'd put my house by one and make it like a decorative pond in my yard. Plus if I have two that's twice as likely I'll get pond fish!
6. Uhm... everyone says this, but I could care less. It won't kill me to take 5 more seconds to walk to the recycle shop.
7. Nah I'm putting my house wherever I want. It's not going right next to the town hall. And I don't care where the town hall is in regards to the train station.
8. I'd prefer my river NOT be the S type, thanks. It looks too big and makes the halves of the town wonky.

While this list is helpful, I really don't like how you worded this as the be-all end-all rules of how your town should look. The game designers designed many possible types of map lay-outs. I hate the idea that people all would want their towns to look exactly the same. My town is going to look nice the way I think it looks nice. I don't care about efficiency to making money a few seconds faster or getting from one place to another a little faster. I want my town to be unique, not a carbon copy of everyone else's. I don't believe that there is a 'bad' map. The only map that could be bad is a map with a beach that you can only reach a small percentage of because a huge part of it is separated through the waterfall with no ramp to reach it.
3. I'd like my own private beach that you can only get to by swimming, actually!

If you look closely at the map, there is a private beach. Usually beaches that aren't split into 2 are the ones that have a little piece left over that you can't get to without swimming.
If you look closely at the map, there is a private beach. Usually beaches that aren't split into 2 are the ones that have a little piece left over that you can't get to without swimming.
Yup, I saw! I thought the beach on that map would be considered to be split into 2 as well since.. Well, there's two parts, even though one is tiny!
I honestly want my map split as perfectly down the middle as possible, because I'm designing my town in a certain way, and an uneven map would make it more difficult.
Here is the point:

①The square(event plaza?) should be the midst in the whole village, cause it seems a good balance.

②The slope should be vertical, not horizontal, cause it is easy to reach the dock.

③The beach should not be cut to two parts.

④The waterfall should be vertical, not horizontal, to easy to see it well.

⑤The pond should be only one, cause it is very obstructive. (By the way, the Max is 5 ;))

⑥The recycle shop should be very close to the dock, to easy to sell the beetle caught from the island, and also, very close to your home to easy to sell the stock. (stock and beetle is the most important 2 ways to get rich, especially stock)

⑦The Town Hall should be close to the station, the square and your home.

⑧The river should be the 'S' type, cause the vertical length is enough long to fishing easily.

P.S This example map is not mine, my map is soooooo bad...

1. I do agree with you there. I don't want mine close to the train tracks at all, like I've seen a lot.
2. I don't see how this matters?
3. If it is cut to two parts, fine. I don't "need" a private beach. It'd be nice, but I'm not too concerned about the beach.
4. I want it flowing out to the beach, but I don't care if it's vertical or horizontal.
5. Uh.. not really? If you plan right, the ponds shouldn't cause a problem.
6. Yes. Even if it's not the perfect distance, that is fine also.
7. No. No, no, no. I want balance. My house is going to be by a river, my square in it's own area and my town hall in it's own area. No.
8. Kinda. I don't want a straight river, but I know what I want. The length should be the same in any curvy river, which is what I want badly.

Personally, you should have worded this better. It reads like rules set in stone instead of recommendations. But it is helpful in planning.
①The square(event plaza?) should be the midst in the whole village, cause it seems a good balance.

②The slope should be vertical, not horizontal, cause it is easy to reach the dock.

③The beach should not be cut to two parts.

④The waterfall should be vertical, not horizontal, to easy to see it well.

⑤The pond should be only one, cause it is very obstructive. (By the way, the Max is 5 ;))

⑥The recycle shop should be very close to the dock, to easy to sell the beetle caught from the island, and also, very close to your home to easy to sell the stock. (stock and beetle is the most important 2 ways to get rich, especially stock)

⑦The Town Hall should be close to the station, the square and your home.

⑧The river should be the 'S' type, cause the vertical length is enough long to fishing easily.

1 - I disagree, I really don't like the huge tiled area and think it looks ugly and becomes a huge space where you can't put anything other than patterns. I want my town tree to be hidden in a corner so I only see if during events.

2 - I semi agree here, the vertical slope on your example map looks good, the one I keep seeing with a random sandy pocket next to it I'm not a fan of though.

3 - Agreed. I'd like the private beach bit just to stick things/hybrids I want to keep out of the way.

4&8 - Doesn't matter to me, but I do prefer a vertical stretch of river for fishing seeing as past games you can't see fish so clearly when it's horizontal.

5 - I agree here. 1 pond is enough, there's only a few fish to catch in them as well.

6&7- I prefer my town to be really spread out. I want everything in separate corners so I have to walk through my town more to reach them. Then it's more likely you run into villagers as you go, and you get to admire more of your town. In your example map the whole right side of the river is wasted space you never have to visit which I can't stand.

Also, I think it's a good idea to live near/have Re-tail near the side entrance to the beach and have the dock on the same section of beach so you can run around the beach to get to the island instead of through your town. - less obsticles to trample that way.

EDIT: To the people who think anothergc is saying these are set in stone rules. I think it's more language barrier, Japanese is a harsher stricter sounding language than english.
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I think everyone should really reduce their demands for a perfect map to only a few points, because it just makes it almost impossible to get such a map (by resetting the game). My wishes for example are that I get a town with a long "S"-shaped river and a good position for the town tree (also I really wanna have peaches! :3)
①The square(event plaza?) should be the midst in the whole village, cause it seems a good balance.

②The slope should be vertical, not horizontal, cause it is easy to reach the dock.

③The beach should not be cut to two parts.

④The waterfall should be vertical, not horizontal, to easy to see it well.

⑤The pond should be only one, cause it is very obstructive. (By the way, the Max is 5 ;))

⑥The recycle shop should be very close to the dock, to easy to sell the beetle caught from the island, and also, very close to your home to easy to sell the stock. (stock and beetle is the most important 2 ways to get rich, especially stock)

⑦The Town Hall should be close to the station, the square and your home.

⑧The river should be the 'S' type, cause the vertical length is enough long to fishing easily.

This is actually some really good info! Im going to reference it when I make my town.

1) I agree it looks nice in the middle of town, but I want my town square in a corner somewhere so I have more space to do what I want :p

2) I totally agree with this. having the slope facing down makes it way easier to run up and down.

3) Im not too worried about my beach.

4) TOTALLY AGREE, I want to actually SEE my waterfall.

5) I deff want only 1 or 2 ponds. saves room for more building!

6) this does save on time. But AC isnt really about being fast. If I have to walk, thats okay with me

7) I just want all my buildings way up at the top out of the way :p

8) VERY good point. fishing is easier this way.
Okay, I'm honestly confused about the vertical/horizontal waterfall here, sorry. What's a horizontal waterfall?
That map looks Amazing. Way better that mine :O

EDIT: I like my idea better. The house shall be placed next to the water fall, as close as possible
1) I agree. The square would have to be in the middle for me. I couldn't deal with it thrown in the middle of the corner.

2) Isn't there always a horizontal and vertical slope? Unless you mean that there shouldn't be a curved slope.

3) I'm okay with the beach split across the waterfall.

4) Agreed!

5) Oh my. The town looks fairly crowded.

6) Meh.

7) Meh.

8) Agreed.