Weak Grandpa
1. Socks?
1. the sofa?
congrats to kairi!! we got him this sofa set a few years ago when i decided that his old one was too high for him to jump on and off everyday; but now it's this sofa that needs to go...but beside that he also has two doggie beds from costco
lol this round went super fast oops
there will be one more round of giveaway...stay tuned!!
Hyaaaaa yay shall PM you ;v; we had our sofa torn up lmao it was brand new by our minpin xD so I figured haha ;D
awww i love minpin <3 but it's ok yours must be so cute that you forgive them anyways xD
You know you own a dachshund when all the sofas or couches in your house have little stools in front of them
And this: lol ... Sorry for busting into your thread (my excuse is that I LOVE your art sooo much!!)
pick-ups~ thank you again for participating and congrats all again!
for Oliy (1/2)
for aleshapie
for Kairi-Kitten
(sorry i did say that his design shouldn't be a problem but i went ahead and simplified it anyways...)
pick-ups~ thank you again for participating and congrats all again!
for Oliy (1/2)
for aleshapie
for Kairi-Kitten
(sorry i did say that his design shouldn't be a problem but i went ahead and simplified it anyways...)