Someone ate my food


Junior Member
Jan 30, 2019
Yeah, I made two sandwiches for work today and put them in the fridge and when I woke up, they were BOTH GONE. I wake up at 2:30am for work too and went to sleep at 10pm. You ever get that feeling of wanting to punch the person who ate your food that you were saving in the face. Yeah, I wanted to smash my keyboard. :mad::mad::mad:
Pretty much a weekly occurrence with anything I put in the fridge. The kicker is that everything of mine is in a drawer with my name on it. If you're able to, try to take in something that can be used with your work's amenities to make, like a sink or microwave. I basically eat only non-refrigerated things because of it.
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That's definitely one of the things I don't miss about living with flatmates lmao - I'm sorry about your sandwiches and I hope you had a delicious lunch to make up for it <3
my brother always eat some of MY food and sometimes he eats my sister's food.
Its annoying
its the worst. im vegan living in a house with others who arent vegan let alone even vegetarian.
so all they do is cook meat and nothing for me which is fine, but when i make vegan lunches/dinner for the week i come to find they ALWAYS EAT IT ALL.

so i bought myself a mini fridge and stash all my food there
Some people have no shame. Luckily I have tastes not shared by everybody. If I want to keep the potato chip bag for myself I will buy the one with wasabi, mustard, ginger or wakame. Knowing the others' weakness help too, their bowels can't stand spicy food? I will make it ultra spicy, they don't like raw onions? I will put a lot in sandwiches.

If I were you, I would start by putting baits in the fridge, something that looks delicious but tasting like vinegar, tooth paste and glue. It will be like a Russian roulette game, it may teach them not to mess with your food.
That is the worst. I've never had anyone from home steal my food, but it's common for people to steal things from the fridge at work. I just don't understand that kind of mentality that lets you take something that doesn't belong to you.
Some people have no shame. Luckily I have tastes not shared by everybody. If I want to keep the potato chip bag for myself I will buy the one with wasabi, mustard, ginger or wakame. Knowing the others' weakness help too, their bowels can't stand spicy food? I will make it ultra spicy, they don't like raw onions? I will put a lot in sandwiches.

If I were you, I would start by putting baits in the fridge, something that looks delicious but tasting like vinegar, tooth paste and glue. It will be like a Russian roulette game, it may teach them not to mess with your food.

This worked for me when I briefly worked in a shared office space when I was studying in the states. I was so shocked when this started happening and at the time I was too timid and shy to confront anyone about it. When I asked my friend in the office she was like "yeah, people steal food all the time" like it was normal wtf?? I didn't even know that was a thing. I quickly learned that people stole my bland ass sandwiches but not my lunch box when I brought korean food with side dishes lol. So I started packing korean meals with lots of interesting side dishes instead and they never got stolen. My friend said she would take a very obvious bite out of her food to deter people from taking hers.
This worked for me when I briefly worked in a shared office space when I was studying in the states. I was so shocked when this started happening and at the time I was too timid and shy to confront anyone about it. When I asked my friend in the office she was like "yeah, people steal food all the time" like it was normal wtf?? I didn't even know that was a thing. I quickly learned that people stole my bland ass sandwiches but not my lunch box when I brought korean food with side dishes lol. So I started packing korean meals with lots of interesting side dishes instead and they never got stolen. My friend said she would take a very obvious bite out of her food to deter people from taking hers.

Haha! Same here, nobody steals kimchi stew or pickled daikon. Taking a bite of a sandwich is a really good idea!
Some people have no shame. Luckily I have tastes not shared by everybody. If I want to keep the potato chip bag for myself I will buy the one with wasabi, mustard, ginger or wakame. Knowing the others' weakness help too, their bowels can't stand spicy food? I will make it ultra spicy, they don't like raw onions? I will put a lot in sandwiches.

If I were you, I would start by putting baits in the fridge, something that looks delicious but tasting like vinegar, tooth paste and glue. It will be like a Russian roulette game, it may teach them not to mess with your food.
Reminds me of a post elsewhere where some kid would expertly disguise a brussels sprout to look like a ferrero rocher hazel nut chocolate.
The obvious answer is to lather your arm in some sort of lubricant (oil based would probably work best) and work your arm carefully down their throat. Careful not to go down the wrong tube or you'll end up in the lungs.

Once you reach the stomach, grab your food and thrust your arm viciously punching them from the inside to show them who's boss. Remove arm, wash sandwich in some warm water for a few minutes and consume.
Reminds me of a post elsewhere where some kid would expertly disguise a brussels sprout to look like a ferrero rocher hazel nut chocolate.

Now I wonder how it tastes, I don't know why but it seems like a great combination.

(let me google that)


but here seems a better idea to let you enjoy your chocolate
I brought a pack of yogurt and a jug of flavored coffee creamer to work a few weeks ago and only got one cup of coffee and a container of yogurt out of it. Nobody will fess up to taking any of it, so I've gotten in the habit of just bringing what I need for the day. We keep a bunch of snacks and food here so that made it so much more irritating. My boyfriend and I are both on a diet so I thought bringing my own snacks would be better. :(