Oh oh oh ! Can I catalog all for 25k? :D

Edit: I cannot go online right now tho :( is that okay with you?
You're welcome y'all :3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mayor Leaf you may come through :)
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^_^ Just wondering if you saw my post about wanting to catalog. My FC 4527-7298-0066 & I'd be willing to pay the 25K

EDIT: Hehe just saw your edit ^_^ oops

EDIT #2: Thanks for letting me catalog! Very quick & easy transaction.
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No problem~ thank you everyone for being cooperative!

Now the special is CLOSED!

To everyone else who missed out.. Who knows the next time you'll be on this deal will be open baha~
I need to just catalog hinaningyo, snow globe, stuffed stocking, carp banner, and blossom lantern. I won't be online until 7 pm CST. I think that's 2 pm for you? If that is ok, pm me and I'll send you my friend code. :D
My order :

carp banner
snow globe
stuffed stocking
sunrise lamp
blossom lantern

How much to catalogue these?
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Sorry everyone. My bad that the title said open.. But I posted saying it was CLOSED. And I put in the rules that anything after the closing post won't be able to catalog..

I would open it when I'm available to play & wifi but I can't right now.
It's a special deal for a reason! Sorry to the people who missed it and the miscommunication on the title.
But hopefully next time you guys are on when the deal is opened!