Species you like irl but dislike ingame?

in game the-
and elephants are down right awkward to look at. but i still like a few villagers of each of those categories ( minus mice, i dislike them all.)
I really like penguins irl, but the ones in acnl look weird to me. And the ostriches are just ridiculous.
FROGS!!!!!!!!! Frogs are like the cutest thing ever irl but in game I don't like any of their designs :( The shape of them is fine and all but they all just aren't very attractive villagers imho. Really disappointing.

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Oh and, I might get hate for this, but deer.

I love Fuschia to pieces dont get me wrong... but the deer look weird in game to me. I love fanart so much... it fixes what the 3d models do wrong.
Oh and, I might get hate for this, but deer.

I love Fuschia to pieces dont get me wrong... but the deer look weird in game to me. I love fanart so much... it fixes what the 3d models do wrong.

I honestly agree. Fauna and Bam are the only two I like.
I love birds INRL, I've owned two for 12years and they're so adorable and smart, but..In game I dislike them and don't really want them in my town.

I'm also not a fan of the lions/elephants/mice/frogs . I have two of those species in my town right now v.v ~
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Feline friends (domestic cats, panthers, jaguars, etc)
sharks ♥

I wish they had the other two
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I hate the Frogs. The models are okay, I guess, I just don't like the model as much as Alligators or Tanukis per say..
I don't like deer, but mostly because only one of the males actually looks like a deer. They might as well be called gazelle instead, with models that make Bam look like a deer and Erik look like a moose.

Drago is obviously supposed to be a dragon, but he is the dumbest looking dragon ever just being an alligator with head frills and horns. I think alligators in general should be skinnier in the body, but I don't hate them.

I hate the way hippos look. They're kind of cute in real life but in the game... GIANT NOSE OF DOOM BUCK TEETH OF DEATH.

I wish mice had slightly rounder heads, and I don't like the shape of tiger heads much either. The muzzles are just a little too big.

I don't like that male chickens don't look more like roosters. Maybe have them have a bigger chest a bit like the Eagles have, and a fancier tale. I think that's it for my dislikes of villagers though. xD
I really love birds in real life, but I hate the generic bird and penguin species in AC. The other bird species are all right. The generic birds look hella weird and the penguins are too short and fat.
I have to add... Gorillas. In my new town Al is one of my starters and Violet is moving in tomorrow :/

I have to admit, Violet is the best of all the Gorillas, but I'd still prefer /almost/ any other species.
The hippos are pretty...ew

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Also the Gorillas are pretty bad too. Shoutout to Peewee :p
I love penguins in real life, but I can't find any game penguins that I like :/
Elephants, lions, some of the cats. It's a real shame what they did to some of the villagers.