• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Cycling Splash☆FREE! Cycling


Mae from Oma'o
Mar 31, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
100% (73) +

Hey all! I just got a new cartridge of ACNL to try hacking on, but I figured before I start that, I'd use this opportunity to help people get their dreamies, since so many cycling threads helped me out with my first town! This is temporary, and I don't know how long I'll keep it going for, but I'll definitely give everyone a good heads-up before I shut it down.
This is my first cycling thread, so please be patient!

MAYOR RYE :: TOWN THE JAM :: FC 4227-4336-8235

As stated (or implied, I guess) in the title, all villagers are FREE to adopt! I'm looking to give back to the community, not turn a profit for myself. However, it costs 1 TBT to reserve a villager, that is, claim them before they're moving out. (If you're not sure what TBT is, check out TBT in the Key Terms section below) This is just so there can be a "verbal agreement" of sorts to confirm that a villager has been reserved.

None currently

(* = will get minimum adoption time)
(^ = in boxes)
(? = newest)

(Click a villager's name for more info!)

Sprinkle, Chow for AkaneDeath
Eugene for tortimer2

(I'm currently holding two villagers for myself in this town if the numbers seem off.)


Lurking is allowed! Just tell me who you're hoping for and I'll PM you before I post here that they're available (how much time you get is dependent on what time of day it is, how popular the villager is, etc. But I'll give you a fair chance!)
I myself am also looking for a few villagers, and will occasionally use this town to hold villagers for myself. (I was originally planning on just hacking to get the villagers for myself, but now that that isn't an option, I'm just doing this.) I've listed myself as a lurker below, in case you want to know.
  • Ankha - Tayy, MissiNy
  • Apollo - J4G, Starwarriormarth
  • Avery - ReXyx3
  • Bam - Jennycrossing
  • Bella - symphonae
  • Bettina - symphonae
  • Bianca - MayorRiley
  • Bill - Awesomeness1230
  • Bob - 86b9
  • Bones - Ananas78
  • Bree - symphonae
  • Broccolo - symphonae
  • Champ - J4G
  • Chrissy - polarpoppunk
  • Cookie - Ananas78
  • Cousteau - Tayy
  • Deirdre - ams
  • Diana - Karminny, ekevinn
  • Dora - symphonae
  • Drago - patriceflanders, Laddiee
  • Erik - Slye, 86b9
  • Fang - Lulu99
  • Fauna - Rini
  • Felicity - ReXyx3
  • Flurry - Cheshire_Cat03, A r i e l
  • Francine - ekevinn, 86b9
  • Goldie - Ananas78
  • Gloria - Jaws
  • Greta - symphonae
  • Groucho - Fighter_Kibbeh
  • Hopper - TillCollapse
  • Jacques - Slye, LexxyRaptor
  • Jeremiah - Pippoh
  • Julian - KittybotANI, 86b9
  • Kiki - Starwarriormarth
  • Kody - Fighter_Kibbeh
  • Lily - Cousteau
  • Lobo - Tinydoughnut
  • Lolly - AndrQmedA, Lulu99, n0bo, Grace12
  • Marina - Koala_Tea_
  • Marshal - peachy13, alpacasso
  • Merengue - Hanarchy
  • Midge - flutterstheunicorn
  • Mitzi - Starwarriormarth, 86b9
  • Moe - merve-chan
  • Molly - Liseli
  • Pekoe - merve-chan
  • Penelope - symphonae
  • Phoebe - 86b9
  • Pietro - Ezael
  • Poncho - me, Fighter_Kibbeh
  • Poppy - 86b9
  • Purrl - me, Vanillite
  • Rizzo - symphonae
  • Rod - symphonae
  • Rosie - erikaeliseh
  • Ruby - patriceflanders
  • Skye - Jaws, 86b9
  • Sterling - Soraru
  • Stitches - Jennycrossing, Hanarchy, interdimensionalist, superkell
  • Tangy - Griffin_Europe
  • Tia - Lulu99, Soraru, Laddiee
  • Teddy - KidKat
  • Victoria - Griffin_Europe
  • Whitney - Koala_Tea_, Starwarriormarth
  • Zell - interdimensionalist
  • Zucker - Cheshire_Cat03, Ezael, davroslek

  • Lurking - If you're lurking for a villager, that means I don't have them in my town, but you'd really like to get them! If you tell me you're lurking for a villager, I'll put you on the lurkers list. If that villager moves into my town, I'll PM you that they've moved in and wait an hour for your response before telling everyone else in the thread that this villager has moved in. This means you get an hour to reserve a villager before anyone else can! It also means that you don't have to actively check my thread for that villager, since I'll notify you when they move in. Multiple people may lurk for a villager at once! I will PM them all at the same time, and whoever reserves the villager first gets them. If you ask me to lurk for a villager after that villager has moved into my town, I'll probably tell you to reserve them, but I'll still PM you once that villager is in boxes.
  • Reserving - If there's a villager in my town that you'd really like to have, you may reserve them. Reserving means that that villager is yours - once they're in boxes, I'll PM you, and you have a specified window to come adopt that villager from me. You and I will decide this window together - I'll PM you as soon as your reservation is final asking you about your general schedule, and when your villager is in boxes, I'll decide the window based on our conversation. (To see the full explanation of window length, look here.) After that window, I'll put them up for adoption in the thread, and the first person who's available to adopt that villager gets them. To reserve a villager, please announce in the thread that you'd like to reserve that villager, and then send me 1 TBT with "for [villager]" in the optional note section. Reservations aren't final until I've received the TBT. Only one person can reserve a villager at a time. If no one reserves a villager, I will post about them here as soon as they are in boxes and give them to the first person who is available to take them.
  • TBT - TBT (sometimes also called BTB, Bell Tree Bells) is the currency of this forum. Users earn TBT by being active on the forum. TBT have no value except for on this forum, where many items and villagers are traded for TBT. My reservation price is the lowest possible amount of TBT, 1. You get 1 TBT just for joining, so every user has at least 1 TBT. I'm only charging this fee so that there's a legitimate transaction, and I don't have to decipher whether or not "I want [villager]!" counts as a reservation, or if I should give the reservation to the person who said "I'd like to reserve [villager]" right after that.

  • Reservations aren't final until you've sent me the 1 TBT.
  • Once your reservation is final, I'll PM you asking you about your general schedule. Then, when your villager is in boxes, I'll decide when your pick-up window ends based on your answer!
  • You can lurk for multiple villagers, adopt multiple villagers from me, and even reserve multiple villagers at once! This is all under the assumption that you're trying to get your dreamies, of course. Also, please don't reserve more villagers than you have room for.
  • If you've reserved a villager, you must pick them up within your window, no exceptions! Otherwise I'll give them to the first person to ask for them in the thread.
  • If a villager hasn't been reserved, they'll be given to the first person to ask for them!
  • Every villager will get at least a 30 minute chance to be adopted.
  • If I don't think a villager has a good chance of being adopted, I'll cross-post them on reddit and link the thread here. Whoever claims the villager first, on either site, gets them.
  • Reservations are to be done in thread only! If you PM me, I'll tell you to ask here, since it's unfair to others who might be trying their luck to get a villager at no cost.
  • PLEASE CLEAR YOUR VOID before adopting from me! If you couldn't find anyone to adopt that villager, chances are I won't be able to either.
  • I can't guarantee the originality of the villagers. I don't interact with them at all to try to keep them as normal as possible. I've even filled up all the Re-Tail spaces with overpriced pears to keep them from losing furniture. But some of them change their shirts to designs from Able, and there's nothing I can do about that.
  • I'm doing this to help people get villagers they want, so if you adopt a villager from me, PLEASE don't sell them! If you have to give them away, as in lost in a TT accident, please be fair :lemon: Basically if I see that you've posted an auction for a Tier 1 villager the day after you've adopted them from me I will be sad and/or pissed off - hopefully not pissed enough to leave you a negative Wi-Fi rating for breaking my rules!

Please let me know if you have any questions! As I've said, this is my first cycle town, so I'd really like for this to go without any misunderstandings. Thanks!
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Sure, I just put both of you on the list!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, currently taking reservations for Mint, Drake, Gala, Monty, and Pierce!
If it's cool if I lurk for Whitney? Thank you so much, this is really cool of you to do.
May I lurk for Roscoe, Poncho, Stitches, and Diana please?
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PIPPY has moved in!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Do you think I could reserve Pierce, please?

Sure! Are you paying with TBT or IGB?

- - - Post Merge - - -

May I lurk for Roscoe, Poncho, Stitches, and Diana please?

You've been added to the list!

- - - Post Merge - - -

JULIAN has moved in! I have this fabulous unicorn in my main town and he's great :lemon: Hoping someone can take him!
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