Splatoon Splatoon Mains


Jan 2, 2015
Tera Orb
Smash Ball
Gold Hybrid Rose
Ocean Pearl
Camp Bell Tree 2021 Patch
Summer Shell
Pink Summer Shell
Golden Easter Egg
Blue Mote of Flame
Orange Mote of Flame
From what I understand on Splatoon you have your main weapon e.g the roller, your secondary weapon e.g a bomb or sheild and then a smash weapon e.g. the whale.

If this is correct I was just wondering, from wat you've seen what do you guys think you will be maining on Splatoon. This can be based on what you think looks nice, or the demo etc etc. I'm just interested to know! :D:confused:
I really don't know much about the game. Is the game good? I heard that the roller is overpowered.
Well I WANTED to use the Paintbrush, but since that won't be in at launch (smh it's done just give me it), I'll use the Roller. Don't know about sub or special weapons yet.
I didn't know how to trigger the special weapons so I couldn't utilize them during the matches I played. I know there was a controls setting in the demo but... NO EXP WASTE lol. I was only able to catch the first testfire and really liked what I got out of the splattershot :)

My least favorite weapon is the roller. Not because it's OP, it just doesn't fit my play style. The roller is fun but uses too much ink and leaves the player completely vulnerable. With that said, I wouldn't mind getting more practice with it once the full game releases.
If we got to choose anything, I would choose the long ranged splattershot, the sprinkler and the inkstrike.
I was quite pleased with the roller, not because of the OP of it, but it was actually fitted for me. I guess when we one day get that paintbrush, I'll be testing that too, but I guess it's just me not being all that good with guns XD The guns weren't too bad and maybe with some practice on launch, I'll improve.

I wish it was a feature where we could choose to make our own set, like mix and match. From what I can see though, that's not the case. Such a shame too.
I wish it was a feature where we could choose to make our own set, like mix and match. From what I can see though, that's not the case. Such a shame too.
Yeah that would be nice, but there would be alot of duplicate sets, not much variety. From what I've seen the roller is extremely popular, it might even take over 0_0 Heheheh. But people would probably test to see which ones were the strongest and make a set out of it. I think its nice they kept it fixed, I can say that not all of the weapons are completely balanced. The chargers arent looking too hot :/
Yeah that would be nice, but there would be alot of duplicate sets, not much variety. From what I've seen the roller is extremely popular, it might even take over 0_0 Heheheh. But people would probably test to see which ones were the strongest and make a set out of it. I think its nice they kept it fixed, I can say that not all of the weapons are completely balanced. The chargers arent looking too hot :/

Yeah, I have to admit when I played the demo with the charger, it wasn't too great. But maybe the upgrade chargers will be better? Hard to say right now.

You're probably right about the sets with a lot duplicates. I just find it a shame because the specials I wanted to use don't go with roller. XD Eh, I guess it's just a wait and see on what the upgraded forms of the weapons bring.
I had a blast using the roller when I played this weekend. I didn't really have any issues with the secondary weapon it had, rather just learned how to roll with the punches. But it was also a team dynamic that made your weapon of choice important. I had gone up against a team of 4 rollers and they were obliterated by my team. Our team at that time were 2 Splattershots, 1 Roller, and 1 Splattershot Jr. So that will definitely be something to take into consideration when playing (online at least.)
The splat charger was kinda hard to get used to, but I think chargers are best-suited for my playstyle
roller will probs end up being my main, but since there's only like 3 classes of weapons i'll probs end up using them all anyway so..
I totally want to use a roller. Some say they're OP but I think the opposite, as they have practically zero defense at times. Also, they don't go that fast so there's also that. But I have no clue what sub-weapon I'll be using if you can change them for each weapon. But I so want to turn into a kraken.
I think that I'll be using a Charger most of the time. I'm always that jerk that snipes from far away in shooters and I don't think that it's going to change with Splatoon.
I like the Splatshot Jr. It has good coverage and decent range, plus the shield lets it be a bit more offensive. It's kind of like the 'average' weapon that does everything decently but not the best.

The roller was fun but it was my least favorite from the test fire. You're just too open to attacks unless you can sneak up on somebody or they have terrible aim.

I wish it was a feature where we could choose to make our own set, like mix and match. From what I can see though, that's not the case. Such a shame too.

I'm glad you can't mix and match, it would simply destroy what balance the game has.

If you could mix and match, I can already see that roller + shield would completely dominate other match ups. Fast movement speed, great ink coverage, 1-hit kills plus the ability to become totally invincible for a period of time? I don't see how anything else would be viable at that point.

There's probably more OP possibilities but I'm just referencing the equipment I know of from the test fire. If you could mix and match though, there's always going to be one optimal match up you almost have to use.
I like the Splatshot Jr. It has good coverage and decent range, plus the shield lets it be a bit more offensive. It's kind of like the 'average' weapon that does everything decently but not the best.

The roller was fun but it was my least favorite from the test fire. You're just too open to attacks unless you can sneak up on somebody or they have terrible aim.

I'm glad you can't mix and match, it would simply destroy what balance the game has.

If you could mix and match, I can already see that roller + shield would completely dominate other match ups. Fast movement speed, great ink coverage, 1-hit kills plus the ability to become totally invincible for a period of time? I don't see how anything else would be viable at that point.

There's probably more OP possibilities but I'm just referencing the equipment I know of from the test fire. If you could mix and match though, there's always going to be one optimal match up you almost have to use.

Ah, good point actually. We may see some different combinations through dlc and stuff as we did only get to see a few weapons through demos and trailers. Personally, I would like a roller with a better special than that killer one. But that's just me being a bit nitpicky because I can't test out the awesome looking specials with the roller that I like. XD Though from the looks of things, the upgraded weapons for higher levels have different subs and specials. So, I could be lucky and get a combo I like still.

As for personal use of weapons, the Splatshot Jr. is pretty good as I'm not that great with guns in general. But, it does it's job and I do like the shield special. Like I said before, I'm rather bad with guns and maybe with a bit more practice, I'll get decent enough to use them more often. Though as of now, I do prefer melee weapons like the roller because I don't really go for the main fight points where it's an ink bath XD I like to keep back a bit or sneak around and just cover the turf. I'm good at hiding from my enemies and sneaking around them, so I'd say I'm a bit better with the roller. XD
I didn't get to try out the test fire myself, but my brother did. He definitely has a pretty aggressive play style. I'm not sure what mine is. I generally tend to stay far away and shoot things whenever I can in games, so I'll probably give the chargers a go.
I'm planning on using the Splat Roller. I don't care if anyone says it's OP, I've been wanting to use it since launch, and I love its playstyle.
I really don't know much about the game. Is the game good? I heard that the roller is overpowered.
Everything is overpowered, lol.

But yeah, I enjoy the Splattershot Jr. with the bomb as a secondary and the Bubbler as the special.
I like the .52 gal, but if I want to win I just use the basic splattershot jr.
I've taken a liking to the Aerospray RG with the Ink Mine and Ink Strike lately.