Splatoon Splatoon Mains

So I've found that I'm more used to guns now than the rollers. I particularly like the Aerospray RG, though I don't use the ink mines that much. I do still like the Krak-On Splat Roller, though and will use it every so often.
I have really been enjoying the chargers lately, specifically the kelp charger? (With sprinkler and killer wail) They have become more useful in ranked battles now as I cam get tons of kills :D
I love the chargers specifically the spiffer. I'm not at a high level yet.
I've noticed I'm best with melee weapons, but especially the Inkbrush. I guess I adapted to it rather quickly...Now my only problem is not jumping right into the middle of a fight blindly zel.
Krak-On roller and Aerospray. Also I love the Blue Moto Boots!