[spoiler] unlockable items worth it?


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May 30, 2019
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Tasty Cake
Hello hello! I have recently unlocked the ability to purchase the ABD and storage shed and just had two questions:

1. how often do you use it?
2. can people who visit my island also access the ABD to access their own funds?

thank you very much! (am sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, it's been ages since i've been around this site)
For the ABD, anyone who visits your island can use it. I've used it by going to an island via dodo code and it made trading tbt for igb so easy!
I can only answer the first question and i love been able to have storage outside my home, its just divine, i also like they gave us at the very least two different styles of storage sheds. I have my with my garden
I love the storage sheds and ABDs! I have 3 (1 from using miles and 2 crafted) storage sheds outside... One by the farm, one by the campsite (easier for crafting requests) and one by Nook's. I use them all the time, especially to unload my pockets.

ABD can be accessed from other islands, making trading so much easier!

Now if storage sheds can be accessed on other islands as well, that would be even better. 😊
As of right now, I'm using the storage shed multiple times a day, every day. It's so nice to not have to drop everything and go home when I need to put away or go get things.
I use the storage shed everytime I play, multiple times a day. I'm even considering making extras to place around my island!

I occasionally use the ABD, and I set it outside of Timmy & Tommy's store in case I can't afford a pricy item that they have in-stock. That way I can easily withdraw the necessary funds rather quickly!
I carry a shed on me at all times at the moment, because I'm working on my island build.
I'm able to put it down to pull out crafting materials, DIY kits, a bench, etc and make items I need to place down. I can pull my weeds and tools out. I have a warp pipe next to Nooks on the beach, and I can whip out my storage, pull out the pipe, pick up the storage, use the pipe and sell excess items, then hop back through the pipe to where I was working, and put the pipe away and get back to work.

I can easily put my fossils, bugs, fish, weeds, tools, bench, and any items I find that I want to move into my storage if I don't want to sell them right away ...
And if I see a villager I want to gift but couldn't find before, I can easily pull out the storage without losing sight of the villager(s) to get the gift I have for them pulled out.

Honestly, it's amazing and saves me SO MUCH pocket space. If only we could place them on mystery islands and access them from others' islands, it would be amazing.
The storage shed is really helpful because I can bring my whole inventory with me in my pocket. The ABD is also super helpful because of quick access and running to the Resident Services is such a hassle.
They’re very useful and the shed is something new to decorate with that you can actually use. It also takes me awhile to get my money in and out of my piggy bank so the abd is much more convenient.
i still use the ABD at resident services as since i don’t deposit or withdraw bells much, and i don’t do any trades that involve bells, i don’t see much of a point in purchasing my own ABD at this time.

i use the storage shed multiple times a day, though, and find it to be one of the most useful things in the game! i always have one with me in my pockets so that i can access my storage no matter where i am, and it’s been a huge game changer for me! i’m super grateful that it was added in. :’)

whether or not they’ll be useful or worth it to you all depends on how often you deal with bells or need to access your storage, but i think it’d be a good idea to have one of each with you or somewhere on your island, as they’re bound to come in handy sometime!

tldr; i’ve only used the storage shed so far, but i think they’re both quite useful and worth purchasing.
I just carry mine around with me so that I can withdraw bells or get something from storage whenever.
where do you get the storage shed at? i haven't seen it yet and oh my god it sounds so convenient
I always keep a storage shed, an ABD machine and a DIY bench in my pockets. Has made things so much easier.
I'm getting so much use from the storage shed(s) and the ABD. I've customized the shed you buy with Nook miles with the bicycle decal so it fits in perfectly with the little bike parking area I have near Nook's Cranny, and the craftable storage shed is so rustic and cute, perfect for all kinds of designs. The ABD looks like, well, an ABD but dang if it isn't handy.
I didn't think I'd use the ABD much, but it saves so much time vs having to go inside RS and deal with the menus. It's great. And the storage sheds, too. I have 2 on my island (one by the vegetable garden and one by the dock) and those are really helpful too.
They're customizable, just have to take them to Cyrus and you can match them to your island.
I use the storage shed constantly! I have two of them around town, and am hoping to add more. And I am always so thankful when towns have ABDs beside nooks, in case there's something expensive I'd like to buy. :] They are worth investing in IMO!