Spoilers [Stupid / weird question]


( ̄。 ̄)~zzz
Jun 3, 2015
Red Holiday Candle
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
New Leaf Token
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Blue Candy
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Happy Home Designer Token
Red Candy
Green Candy
I have a weird idea for a giveaway, involving lots of spoilers xD

Is there a way to lay spoilers out randomly....and....."crazily"...?
With just the rows and everything, it might not be as good...

Yeah...this was a weird thread, I'm sorry....
I don't... Think so?
They either have to be in a line or a row, I'd guess. I've never seen anyone do that and I doubt anyone would ever think of creating that type of thing in the first place, so they chances of it existing are pretty slim anyway lmao.
I think she means as if the spoilers are all scattered around the page.

If not I'm completely lost lmao
Maybe you could? just use a lot of tables and adjust the size of the tables? it won't be "crazy" but you can put a lot of spoilers
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Siiigh. I don't know how to make one, normal spoiler. I'm sure there's a tutorial around here though...
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Oh my gosh! This is actually perfect! Thanks so much for doing this for me!
np! I look forward to the giveaway~ i'm so curious about what you're planning to do