
The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
So Rosetti made me really want to Inktober, so I think I will, and sharing here will hopefully force me to actually do it!! If anybody wants to join me I've made a list of Prompts!


(Thanks to Luffy for the beautiful graphic!)

You don't necessarily have to do them in order, because I probably wont.

It's traditionally supposed to be done in INK but if you do any art based on these prompts I'd love to see it anyways!
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I'm rly tempted to combine people's ocs from my thread with these themes, I can't wait to do the crystal and mermaid days!!
I think I'll follow your inktober prompts if I attempt it this year, just because of the spirit of Halloween~!
I mostly combined prompts from several other lists I found for previous years! I'd love love love to see anything you guys do with them!
Great prompt!

I want to try and do the Inktober event this year as well. I think I'll draw some of these on days where I'm not doing a request.
Especially have to do the dragon one...cuz flight rising :D
I am almost tempted to buy another set of pens, because I am having trouble finding them... That would just mean I'll have to use ballpoint for 1 or 2 prompts while I wait for them to arrive... I just don't want to destroy my room further trying to find where my boyfriend hid them. -_- Cause he sure doesn't remember.
I'm not an artist, but I'd like to participate by using these prompts as writing exercises. :)
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I'm not an artist, but I'd like to participate by using these prompts as writing exercises. :)

That would be awesome! I've heard of people doing that as well, so I look forward to reading them!
I had aimed for around 100-500 words, but then again I didn't expect to enjoy this prompt so was doing it first to get it out of the way. I figured this would turn out like the stories I wrote for the 2015 & 2016 Halloween events but then it took a completely different turn and I ended up having a lot of fun with it.

Prompt: Spooky Forest.
773 words.

Where were they? I had been gone merely a minute to relieve myself behind a bush when I had lost track of my family.

“Are you lost?”

The voice was small and high-pitched, like a child. I looked around but there was no one to be seen. Crash! Something — no someone — hit the ground with a thud. A four foot mass of tangled chestnut fur lay mangled on the forest floor.

“Are you alright?” I dropped to my knees, touching at the creatures arm.

“Just fine.” The head lifted and I saw the face of a girl. She must be no older than twelve, with bright eyes and a demure smile that suggested she was in no pain at all. I took a step back as she got to her feet, brushing leaves and debris from her maroon smock before finger combing her hair.

“Have you…” I hesitated a moment, wondering if it was appropriate to change the subject so quickly when I had just seen her fall from ten feet above. Surely there was no harm in trying. “…seen a family?”

“A family? Yes many.” She pulls an acorn and a few dark round balls from her hair and examines them. “Juniper berry?”

“No thank you.”

Many? How odd. She was the first person outwith my own family I had encountered in our four hour foray into the forest. I watched her as she delicately placed a berry between her lips, then poked it into her mouth with the tip of her finger.

“Where did you see them?”

“See who?”

“The families.”

“All around us,” she said, “it’ll be hard to find yours.”

I ignored her and began to make my way through the trees. I wasn't going to find them if I just stood around talking to strange girls. Leaves crunched underfoot as she skipped along beside me, still snacking on the juniper berries.

“Where will you look?”

“Between the trees.” Not that there was anything other than trees, small streams, and natural fauna in the middle of a forest.

“Maybe you should look inside the trees,” she said, “they could be there.”

“My family don’t climb trees.” I snickered as I imagined my portly little brother trying to climb a tree. Even if a wolf were chasing him he would not be able to summon the courage to climb one. He was around the age of the girl, maybe a year or two older, but easily had fifty pounds on her skeletal frame.

“No, not up in the trees - inside the trees!”

I glared at her. Her nonsense was starting to grate on me. She tossed the remaining berries over her shoulder and walked over to a tree.

“Look here, see.” She wedged her fingers in a small nook of the tree and began to peel back the bark. A two-foot oval section of bark sprang back, as if on a hinge. I peeked inside, expecting to see something exciting - like a portal to a different dimension. But inside the tree was hollow.

“That’s weird.”

“All of the trees here are exactly the same.”

“All of them?”

“All of them.”

I moved over to the next tree, knocking on it’s bark as if rapping a door. It didn’t sound hollow to the touch. I looked for a nook and found one much like the one the girl had shown me. It was stiff and wouldn’t budge.

“I think this one is just an ordinary tree.”

“Sometimes sap will seal them shut. You better not try to open it. Why don’t you try the next one instead?”

I suspected she was playing a prank on me by this point. I humoured her anyway and did as she asked. This time, when I slid my fingers into the nook, it pulled back - much like the first tree had done. Again, it was completely hollow inside.

“Remarkable.” I tried another and it opened too. “I wonder who carved out all these trees.”

“They weren’t carved.” She skipped off ahead of me by a few paces. “They grew this way.”

“How come?”

“Because they needed to.”


She pursed her lips, for a moment in thought. “I have a secret to tell you.”


“It’s a very sad secret.”

I was curious now. “What is it?”

“I’m dead,” said the girl, “and so are you.”

“You’re barmy.”

“Everyone around us here is dead too.”

What was she talking about? I looked around us, just to confirm that we were still very much alone.

“There is no one else here.”

“Yes, there are.” She lowered her voice. “They’re at rest inside the trees.”
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Did #9 because I had limited options for pens. I found ONE of my microns and it's the super duper fine one... So it's a bit scribbly where I was trying to make the lines thicker, but it's ok by my standards. XD
Still not doing mine in order because I'm waiting for my pens to get here. But at least I found my other colored pens so I was able to do some shading and stuff. Think it looks way better!
Actually did number three today, got my pens in the mail so hopefully my lining is a bit improved now that I'm not stuck with just the size 1 pen.
Sorry I'm backlogged a bit, but here's days 4, 5, and 6.

I love drawing mushrooms, I wish I would have taken a picture of the back of the picture because where the alcohol pens bled through it looked really cool.

Not a huge fan of how this turned out but I'm not good at angular drawing.

One of my fave Halloween songs is the Monster Mash, and they always played it as every Halloween dance, so I tried to do an awkward school dance thing but with monsters. And I totally colored over her ear... RIP