Stalk Market Community

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Oh, yeah, those were messed with like a week ago, and those people just never fixed their friend codes.

Ah, ok. I don't normally look over there so I guess I was just slow to notice. It's reassuring to know you have a notification system in place though.
I had my first big spike last week and some people came over to sell in my town. I have to say, if you ever have a good price and can host some guests, do it. Not only does it allow you to give back to the community from which you have been profiting from but it gives you a greater appreciation for the other members who are willing to donate their time and host so you can sell. It was an enjoyable experience and it makes me want to tip more now. >_< Any ways, if you have the time, do it, it's totally worth it. Hosting sucked up a good chunk of my time but I will definitely do it again if I get the chance.
Well, I added something new to the spreadsheet. You'll see a yellow row above the turnip prices. This will show you the current day's highest price, along with who has that price and which row you can find them in.

It took me an hour or two to figure it out, but I finally did it. I had to make hidden rows and columns that calculate the date, what day of the week it is, and the highest price for each individual person for each day! You won't see any of that, though.

Anyway, the final formula, excluding all the hidden stuff, looks something like this:

=CONCATENATE("Today's highest price is ", if(text(B11,0)="Sunday", "", if(text(B11,0)="Monday",max(I12:J300), if(text(B11,0)="Tuesday",max(K12:L211), if(text(B11,0)="Wednesday",max(M12:N211), if(text(B11,0)="Thursday",max(O12:p211), if(text(B11,0)="Friday",max(Q12:R211), if(text(B11,0)="Saturday",max(S12:T211)) )))))) , " Bells, belonging to ", index(G12:G211,MATCH(K9,V12:V211,0)), " in row ", match(K9,V12:V211,0)+11)
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what's the best price range to sell the turnips? i decided i'd try out the stalk market, never really done it before o_O
I'v joined today. I'm keeping track of turnip prices and will be keeping track of turnip prices this week.
Edit: Thanks for letting me access the excel document. I'll be updating all week, hopefully.
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Merel you have 518 today right? Can I come sell my turnips please? FC is 3093-7488-9733. Will tip!
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