Community Advent Calendar - Closed!

oh wow 5-5 i'm recovering my losses!! (missed day 2 unfortunately)
last dayyy I wonder who I'm going to pick, i like all the members 🤔
So you’re telling me I’m not worthy of being a guess in this fun event?

That’s kind of on me, I wasn’t active all year. I’m looking to change that next year.
So you’re telling me I’m not worthy of being a guess in this fun event?

That’s kind of on me, I wasn’t active all year. I’m looking to change that next year.

Please do not take not being featured personally. The members names featured Day 1-3 were just the people who liked the first post in this thread. The members names featured Day 4-12 were randomised from the people who had submitted at least one guess for this event.
Please do not take not being featured personally. The members names featured Day 1-3 were just the people who liked the first post in this thread. The members names featured Day 4-12 were randomised from the people who had submitted at least one guess for this event.
Oh wow really?

I need to stop being so dramatic over the small things…

Wait a minute, that can't be me, because I'm out here! But then... who's behind the door?
Please do not take not being featured personally. The members names featured Day 1-3 were just the people who liked the first post in this thread. The members names featured Day 4-12 were randomised from the people who had submitted at least one guess for this event.

should've been a true advent of 24-25 days
should've been a true advent of 24-25 days
It is a true advent as it’s the 12 days of Christmas. Not all advents have 24-25 days.

For many Western Christian denominations, the Twelve Days of Christmas, or Christmastide, is a 12-day festive religious season that celebrates the Nativity of Jesus. The twelve days represent the time that it took for the three wise men or kings to travel to Bethlehem to visit baby Jesus and offer him gifts. In certain Eastern Orthodox denominations, it is instead a celebration of the time from Christ’s birth to his baptism