Too bad there's no really cool co-op or multiplayer for this game. All I saw was a Super Mario Galaxy type of co-op where player 2 can take the Gamepad and shoot.
Doesn't seem like a full fledged game. Saw some early reviews of it and they say that the wii u gamepad and tv dual control takes a lot of time to get used to. Once you're familiar with the control and use it effectively, that's pretty much the end of the game. You can't use those skills a lot, and there's no replayability because the game doesn't offer a lot of modes.
It seems like a big disappointing Star Fox title and looks like they want to release this out for the sake of it. I think if they developed this more and put it on the NX, it would have been better. Sure they would not have the wii u gamepad but I don't think that's a big loss. It seems like they developed this, then the idea of NX came along so they stopped and tried to finish the project as is. (or it could be worse, big N has lost ideas on how to make games). Look at the last 2D mario games on wii u - not ground breaking as Mario 64 or Galaxy.
A guard is a totally different genre with a Star Fox pain slapped on it. It looks ok though, but very simple ideas going on there. I wouldn't personally buy it outright - luckily it's packaged in (though i'm not buying Zero anyway). Nintendo has really gone off a tangent with Guard and Federation Force. What was going on in those production meetings? lols