Star Fragment Question


Salmon Run Survivalist
Aug 17, 2013
Special Snowflake
Night Sky Scenery
Shooting Star
Night Sky Scenery
Special Snowflake
How exactly do star fragments work? I’m trying to get 5 Star Wands for each of my Sailor Moon inspired characters.

I have the recipe and visited someone having a meteor shower last night. Sadly I only caught 5 stars before they seemed to end (waited like half an hour or so and no more came). Today I found 5 fragments on my beach but zero large fragments. I’m guessing you get as many fragments as you made wishes? Also, how do you get the large fragments?

i'll have to start monitoring my wish/fragment instances more closely, but as far as i know its RNG-based - i've had two separate nights where i made about 20 wishes, and only one of those instances dropped a single large fragment.
I've wished on star showers a couple times, it seems like the large fragments are definitely rarer. I get about 10 regular star fragments for every large fragment. You just have to get lucky with a lot of shooting stars to raise you chances of getting a large one the next day!
What’s the max number of fragments you’ve gotten in one day?
Well I made 19 wishes and got 23 regular fragments and one Aries fragment... Still no large fragments. I need five of them too...
I've gotten 3 Aries and about 30 star fragments, and no large fragments yet.
(Wished on stars on about 3 different nights.)
How often do star shows come? I have only had one, where I unfortunately couldn't get any wishes.