Starry Snaps [closed]

New Prompt!
Take a picture with a shark while diving in the ocean

  • Screenshot must feature both a shark shadow and your island rep swimming in a wet suit
  • Photo may be taken on your island/mystery island, a friend's island, or a dream island. Please make sure you include the photo with your TBT username along with your submission photo.
  • Please make sure your island rep is present in both submission photo and username photo. If you are visiting a friend’s town, please take individual photos and do not submit photos together where both players are present.
Deadline: Aug 26th 11:59pm FT

do we get bonus points if the shark eats us
Isabelle said these waters were safe what the heck

This is like a progression series for me. First pic, all I needed was animal villagers which you get by default. Next challenge, I needed to get the recipe to craft an axe to more easily discover the beetle. Now for this challenge, I need to make enough progress to obtain the wet suit.

I see these pics are getting harder and harder to do. I wonder what the last one will be 🤔
It's kinda hard to see that it's the same area, but hopefully the summer shell and palm tree are enough.

aaa i hope i'm doing this right! & i wish i remembered about the fair earlier wahhh. but here ya go, a shark !!

This is like a progression series for me. First pic, all I needed was animal villagers which you get by default. Next challenge, I needed to get the recipe to craft an axe to more easily discover the beetle. Now for this challenge, I need to make enough progress to obtain the wet suit.

Do you need someone to get you one? I could help!