It would be great if we could start some sort of business that would attract not just our own villagers. But also tourist villagers (usual villagers) would temporarily visit our island via the Dodo Airlines.
When opening our business mini shop counter. We can sell many crafted diy items to villagers and villager tourists. We can also sell various flowers bouquets. Hybrid flowers bouquets would be worth a lot more in value than normal flowers. Which would be a new set of diy combo recipes.
So how visiting tourists villagers system works is when your Nook Phone rings. Its a message from Dodo Airlines that a visiting tourist is waiting to be greeted at the entrance of Dodo Airlines. The visiting tourists can walk up and down the front island radius but not towards the back. Since they need to get prepared to leave the island after one to three hours.
Or another way to attract visiting tourist villagers. Is you can send about 5 travelling brochures maximum via Orville in Dodo Airlines. He would tell you that 5 random villagers (not the ones living on island) would visit your island in the next hour for 1-3 hours temporary visit. When they arrive you will have to greet each one in the waiting area of Dodo Airlines and after greeting them. They'll walk out of the place onto your island.
There could also be a very rare chance that one of them says they love how the island looks and that they wouldn't mind living on the island. And then it would be a similar game mechanic like how the campsite works afterwards. And they'll randomly choose to swap with a same personality type villager instead of an entirely differently one.
When opening our business mini shop counter. We can sell many crafted diy items to villagers and villager tourists. We can also sell various flowers bouquets. Hybrid flowers bouquets would be worth a lot more in value than normal flowers. Which would be a new set of diy combo recipes.
So how visiting tourists villagers system works is when your Nook Phone rings. Its a message from Dodo Airlines that a visiting tourist is waiting to be greeted at the entrance of Dodo Airlines. The visiting tourists can walk up and down the front island radius but not towards the back. Since they need to get prepared to leave the island after one to three hours.
Or another way to attract visiting tourist villagers. Is you can send about 5 travelling brochures maximum via Orville in Dodo Airlines. He would tell you that 5 random villagers (not the ones living on island) would visit your island in the next hour for 1-3 hours temporary visit. When they arrive you will have to greet each one in the waiting area of Dodo Airlines and after greeting them. They'll walk out of the place onto your island.
There could also be a very rare chance that one of them says they love how the island looks and that they wouldn't mind living on the island. And then it would be a similar game mechanic like how the campsite works afterwards. And they'll randomly choose to swap with a same personality type villager instead of an entirely differently one.