Still no embers

N e s s

It’s Furret Friday
Jan 4, 2015
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Red Feather
Father's Day Carnation
Cherry (Fruit)
Happy Home Designer Token
Orange Mote of Flame
Apple (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
I entered a contest just to receive an ember, I need a mote of flame for collection purposes. But its been hours and still no embers! Help?!!
Just be patient. It takes a while, but you will get your ember in due time.
It's done manually by the staff. If they're busy you're not likely to get your embers for a decent amount if time. It took me at least 6 hours for each of mine. So just be patient and you'll get it.
Yeah, there's not going to be mods checking the entries every second, you just have to wait.
One of mine took over a day to get.
The same was true with the TBT Fair, except if you entered a contest, you get your tickets late.
Either the staff are busy (ie: Jubs being away for awhile), your embers wont be rewarded for a bit. They have like a queue for the entrys, so yours might be lower down on the list as many more users entered the contests. Or you can check if your entry was rejected.
Patience, young one. We'll post in your thread when it's accepted or rejected.