Stitch Exposure

What is your Stitch exposure?

  • I have or previously had Stitches in my Animal Crossing town/island.

    Votes: 29 58.0%
  • I own Lilo and Stitch merchandise.

    Votes: 19 38.0%
  • I have had stitches because of an open wound/injury/surgery/incision.

    Votes: 28 56.0%
  • I have never had medical stitches.

    Votes: 15 30.0%

  • Total voters
I almost got a stitch on my chin around Mother's Day 2011 when I fell on some stairs running to see a close friend because I was so excited to see her at the time. I ended up getting a scar instead.

Stitches was the very first Animal Crossing villager I have ever met. I have watched a YouTube video where someone was doing a room tour, and there was a Stitches coin pouch sitting on a dresser, and at the time I didn't even know who he was or where he was from, because I have never even heard of Animal Crossing then.

I own some Lilo and Stitch merchandise, I've seen the original 2002 movie, and I have also seen some episodes of the cartoon when I was younger.
lol cute thread!!!! Hmmmm let’s see.

I had stitches in my new Leetown, and he also resides on my second switch in the Halloweentown as well!

I got stitches in my knee when I fell down the stairs, and I had internal stitches on my neck incision when they did my spinal surgery in 2021.

I know I’ve got a stitch somewhere from Lilo and stitch. I think it’s a McDonald’s toy. 😂😂😂
I’m having a hard time remembering if I’ve had Stitches in any of my AC towns. I feel like I might have, but I’ve been playing for around 20 years now and I see him all over online so I may be getting confused.
The other two I have had!
I think I voted in this poll during a precious dusting event but I never answered so I'll answer now.

1. Yes, I've had Stitches on my island before. I've even bad him in my NL town.

2. I have watched Lilo & Stitch the movie. I really liked the animated series more though.

3. Yes, I have had stitches before. I won't say where and when but the scar is gone now thankfully.
This is an interesting question to pose 😂

Stitches lives on my NH island! He was an early arrival and I don’t plan to let him go lol.

Stitch the alien was my sister’s FAVORITE character as a kid, we were both young when the movie came out. I have a tank top with Stitch on it, as well as some socks, and I bought a cute little onesie with Stitch for my nephew who will arrive soon! Gotta let him rep his Mama’s favorite!

As far as medical stitches, I’ve gotten them a few times but never in an emergency setting, rather I’ve had them for stuff like tooth extractions or a skin biopsy (of luckily something that wound up being benign)
Never had stitches on my island.

I’ve seen Lilo and stitch eons ago.

I’ve had many a stitches in real life, three times on my hand, two c-section scars that had internal stitches from Nicholas’ pregnancy, anddd… I think that’s it. But it feels like a lot more than that.
Haha, this thread almost filled all my expectations! I definitely saw the title and thought "which stich(es) are they going to reference?"

I don't think I've had Stitches in my town, but I think my brother has.
I used to work at Disney, so I have some Lilo and Stitch stuff somewhere. I was surprised how much I loved this movie, because they marketed it as a comedy, but then it turned out it was a beautiful tear jerker about found family (who's cutting onions!?)
I have never received medical stitches as far as I know, but I am a surgeon, so I give people stitches all the time.
I also sew, and knit, and crochet, and cross stitch, so I do lots of stitching in that context too!
If we started a thread about favorite knitting 'stitches'/patterns, it could probably go on for quite a while! Crocheting is fun, but the versatility I discovered when I learned to knit was amazing and I agree with whoever earlier said that bobbles and other 3-D stuff is quite cool! So are lace stitches, and different colorwork techniques too!
i’ve had medical stitches at the very top of my inner thigh a few years back when i needed a central line put in in critical care - stitches were needed to hold it in place. they were very small but typically i ended up getting admitted 3 times in 6 months for the same problem so had to keep getting it done, they knew me well on that icu ward 😂 the scars are small, kinda just looks like i’ve had a few bad insect bites or something, and out of the way so don’t really bother me

i really like lilo and stitch but don’t actually think i own any stitch merch - he is one of my sisters fave characters though so she owns a lot of stitch things, including a couple of ornaments, a plush and some pyjamas

i’ve never had stitches in the games, not sure i’ve really come across him much in the series while i have been playing it either - might’ve seen him while island hopping at some point
I've had a stitch on my forehead because I feel down rolling a set of stairs.

I enjoy Lilo & Stitch. I watched the movie, the cartoon series, and even played the videogame when I was a kid.

I like Stitches as a villager. He is cute. Not my favorite, but definitely one of the tops. I don't mind having him as a villager.
Stitches is currently on my island and I love him :)

I have had stitches in my mouth when my wisdom teeth were removed, if that counts.

My cousin is obsessed with Stitch. While the movie is nice, I don't share that obsession. I do own one Stitch plush though! It's from the series where Stitch infiltrates other Disney movies. Specifically it's the Stitch x Mulan plush since Mulan is my favorite princess and one of my favorite Disney movies. It's really a pretty plush.
i’ve never had medical stitches, i’ve not yet seen the movie involving stitches, and i never have had stitches on my island TT

i do sometimes work with stitches when i tailor or mend my jeans though!
Stitch is my favourite Disney character, and Lilo & Stitch is one of my favourite movies, so I have a bit of merch! Off the top of my head (and what I can see in my room without having to get up LOL), I have 4 Stitch tsum tsums (1 big plushie, 2 small plushies, 1 plastic toy), 2 regular Stitch plushies, 1 poster, 3 Stitch magnets, 4 funko pops, 1 tote bag and 2-3 pieces of clothing!

I had Stitches (the villager) in Wild World and New Leaf. As for medical stitches, I've had them twice; when I had my gallbladder taken out, and when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. I had dissolvable stitches both times thankfully, so I didn't have to have them removed.
I have not had Stitches in any form!!
Thankfully the couple times I've gotten injured it hadn't been required, hoping that trend continues!
This is one of my favorite threads.

- I’ve never had Stitches in a town. He’s not my style of villager; I usually prefer ones that look more like animals.

- I don’t have much Lilo and Stitch merchandise, but my partner really loves that movie, so he has the LEGO Brickhead of Stitch, a Stitch holiday sweater, etc. and therefore those things are in my house.

- I’ve had stitches twice! Once when I fell and split my chin on a glass tabletop, and once when a dog badly bit my face as a young child and I had to stay overnight in the hospital. I actually still have very small scars on my face 25 years later.
i’ve had stitches a few times in my life! the first time was on my hand after a glass cup broke while i washing it. the next time was when i had my wisdom teeth removed, and then i also needed stitches for a surgical procedure i went through a few years ago.

i don’t own anything lilo and stitch related but i loved watching the movie growing up. and last but not least, i’ve had stitches the villager in acnl for a brief time but never in acnh!