Giveaway Stitches ❤


everything must go~
Jun 20, 2013
Red Candy
Orange Candy
Yellow Candy
Green Candy
Blue Candy
100% (469) +


Originally I was trying to trade stitches for ruby
but since I so kindly got ruby from twilight sparkle....
I decided to give stitches away :D


1) Must be a dreamie~
2) You can only enter for YOURSELF
3) If you win and Stitches is to ever leave your town...
please be kind and do a giveaway as well.
4) Please write why you would like him in your town.
5) MUST have space!
6) Your account must have been made before 11/6
7) I will enter your forum ID into a randomizer to pick the winner
(only if you write 'bazinga' somewhere in your post, this is to ensure you have read everything)

End Time: 11/7 6PM EST

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Bazinga ...Oh I would love him for my daughters town maybe I can a spot tomorrow. She loves teddy bears. She has a very long dreamy list including stiches. She is under age for an account so I handle all of her requests.
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I'd love to participate in this giveaway! First off, thank you for doing this giveaway :) The reason why Stitches is a dreamie is that my girlfriend's dog that is a half bichon half shihtzu is named Stitches. She is the dog I've never had, and I love her as if she is my own dog. Stitches design in animal crossing is very unique and cute. He would be forever treasured in my town as he is my last dreamie I've been looking for. Goodluck to other participants, and thank you once again for considering me :) Bazinga
I Want him because my sister has been looking for forever and was promised him and then that person has yet to do anything. It's been about 4 months. It'd be cool to get him for her. :D
and bazinga
Edit: Sadly I have to withdraw my entry because I had to move out O'Hare to get Coco (another one of my dreamies) and now I don't have anyone moving out at the moment plus I have a full town. I don't think I was going to win anyways so better to get a dreamie villager for sure than to wait and hope to win one.
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I would love to have Stitches. He moved in wild world right when I needed something to make me laugh. My dad was in the hospital and everything looked bleak. Since then I have been attached to him. If I ever get lucky to have him again. Moe will have his friend back. So they both can be lazy together.

Oh and this time I wasn't a bazinga idiot.
Stitches is an amazing villager. I've had him in Wild World, as well as City Folk, and I've always loved him. He would always talk about food (usual for lazies) and say funny phrases. Seeing him in my town would always make my day. I'd wish to have him again in New Leaf, he is such an adorable little teddy bear. Seeing his face in my town again would mean a lot to me, and I would keep him as a permanent resident. Thank you for this generous giveaway :blush:
I love Stitches, but I'm not entering the contest. I hope I will find my own Stitches someday. I just wanted to say that its so nice of you to have this contest. I know that whoever gets him will love him. :)
I do not have a banner made showing my villagers. But BAZINGA I hope you consider putting my name in the hat for Stitches. A perfect in need of a 10th villager and Stitches would make that happen. Thank you.
I would love love love to have Stitches in my town! I don't have any of my dreamies yet :( I've got my fingers crossed. Bazinga!
Bazinga?! I would love to have stitches in my husbands!!! He likes bears and this one would be perfect :) he is a dreamie in both our eyes :)
I withdraw from the giveaway, I just got Stitches through a random move in!!
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BAZINGA! I would love to have Stitches, is my dreamy since ever! Thanks for the opportunity!
Bazinga, man, I've been looking EVERYWHERE for Stitches. He's my best friend from childhood, I had him in Wild World, but he moved. I now have New Leaf and have hopes of having him in my town, he's become my dreamie.
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