I don't know if this counts as overcoming a fear but two days ago i was chilling in bed and then i turned around and there was a spider on the wall D: and i ran off the bed and into the next room because i was scared it would jump on me so i looked around for something i could use to hypothetically carry it gently to the outside of my house and found a magazine. i go back to the room and the spider is still on the wall but then it jumps onto the bed ;A; so i gently prod it with the magazine and it jumps back to the wall whew and then i slowly bring the magazine close to the wall so the spider will (hopefully) crawl onto it and i can bring it back to nature where it belongs. that. does Not happen. the spider JUMPS onto the magazine very very close to my hand and i was scared it would bite me because it was mad about the aforementioned prodding so i YEET the magazine to the floor and stay on the bed until i get tired of watching where the magazine landed and fall asleep.
tldr i uh faced my fears but i don't think i overcame them?