Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

This is a remake of a GBA game from 2003. It’s really fun but also simple and lacks a lot of the customization that you are asking for. You can choose from 4 starting characters 2 male and 2 female but you can’t change either hair eyes etc only skin tone. There are a few clothing options but it’s mostly classic farmer overalls and modern looking hoodies in different colours. Plus a couple silly outfits like a reindeer costume. There are house upgrades but other than placing some small objects on tables you can’t fully customize where furniture goes like in Stardew Valley. It is endless though you can easily go into year 50+ if you are dedicated in completing all the shipping lists, achievements etc. “Secret“ special marriage candidates can also add a lot more gameplay to the game for you as some require a lot of work before they will marry you unlike the normal candidates. This is also the first game in the series (in the localization) that is like Stardew Valley in the fact that same sex dating/marriage is a thing.

Stardew Valley was actually inspired by Harvest Moon 1996-2013 (now Story of Seasons 2014-present). So if you like that game you will like this series.

If you don’t mind having limited customization but loved Stardew Valley I’d definitely give it a shot. If you really want a lot of customization then I’d look to one of the more recent 3DS titles. Those have way more. Including many different outfits you can make and hairstyles/colours, eye colours, etc. You can also customize where you place stuff on your farm. Story of Season Trio of Towns is worth looking at in this case. Or if you want even more customization and don’t mind going a bit older try Harvest Moon a New Beginning. In that one as well as your character and farm you can even customize the entire town by building shops and homes and decorations/roads wherever you want. Keep in mind that same sex dating/marriage doesn’t exist in the older titles.

Hopefully this helped.
Wow thank you so much for all that information! ❤ It really helps a lot! I'll take a look at the older games then because I really love customization ^_^
Excluding past Harvest Moon titles, I only played the first Story of Seasons game. Since this is apparently a remake of an older Harvest Moon title, I'm assuming a lot of the customization options from the first Story of Seasons game are lost? Are you able to decorate the town or your farm at all? I really liked those new features so it would be sad to see them go.
No, unfortunately in this title, you can't customize your farm or the town. There are upgrades to your farmland, but you're not going to get a lot of options of interior or exterior design. All of the most recent SoS games though have good customization options, including Trio of Towns.
Just got my copy from Amazon! And even though I didn't preorder, I got the strawberry cow plushie! ♥️♥️♥️
No, unfortunately in this title, you can't customize your farm or the town. There are upgrades to your farmland, but you're not going to get a lot of options of interior or exterior design. All of the most recent SoS games though have good customization options, including Trio of Towns.

Shoot that's a bit unfortunate, but I guess since this game is a remake it's not trying to stray too far from the original. I might still pick it up or wait for it to drop a bit. Dialogue wise is it same old, same old or did they make it better this time around?
HM:FoMT was my first Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons game and I played it and MFoMT so much as a child! I actually haven't picked up any titles in the series since they switched the name to Story of Seasons (I think my most recent game was Harvest Moon: DS, another remake). I might have to get this one though! I've been playing Stardew Valley but I feel ready to move on to something else.

I'm not a fan of the art style for the portraits either... but maybe I'm biased because I like the GBA era graphics so much.