Giveaway Streetpass giveaway!

I have two dogs, a twelve year old king charles spaniel and an 8-month old (at the time) golden doodle. My puppy adores toys, like more than you would ever think a dog could love toys. She hoards them and loves them gets super excited when she gets a new one. My old dog has arthritis, and it acts up badly when the weather changes.

So, it's the first snow of the year and of course, Bailey's arthritis is acting up. It's really bad this time and he's pretty much picked a spot on the floor to wait it out, and every now and then he'll cry. Miss Ruby, the cute sweet thing she is has just got a new ball, and has been playing fetch with it all day. She sees Bailey, all miserable and crying, and very slowly comes up to him, lays in front of him and stares for like five minutes. She comes back with her new ball and sets it right between his front two paws like "take it, you needs it". Bailey, being crusty, old and in pain just stares like "what am I supposed to do with this?" So she nudges it closer, sits in front and waits. Still does nothing, she then, one more time rolls the ball to her, then rolls it back to him showing how to play fetch. It was so sweet and it melts my heart whenever I think about it <3

PS. Bailey only gets arthritis like that at the first rain and the first snow of the year. It only lasts 12 hours, and he's allergic to every animal pain med we've tried. The rest of the time he's a happy old dog with not a care in the world other than when his next meal will be.
She sees Bailey, all miserable and crying, and very slowly comes up to him, lays in front of him and stares for like five minutes. She comes back with her new ball and sets it right between his front two paws like "take it, you needs it". Bailey, being crusty, old and in pain just stares like "what am I supposed to do with this?" So she nudges it closer, sits in front and waits. Still does nothing, she then, one more time rolls the ball to her, then rolls it back to him showing how to play fetch. It was so sweet and it melts my heart whenever I think about it <3

That's so cute and touching... ;_;
Whoops, got distracted, its ended, ill be picking the winners now!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Okay! First place goes to Twinrova!
Second place goes to AppleBitterCrumble!
And best story (ghis was hard to pick!) Goes to kbelle4!
Congrats to all and I loved reading all your stories!
Wow yay!!! This is the first giveaway I've won omg. Thank you, and thanks Geoffrey for being such a cute little pony <3