I’m really glad you let us know this. Because we need to be able to get ALL the balloons, they are so amazing!But don't worry, these balloons will surely make a comeback soon during The Bell Tree's 20th Birthday year!
capitalismOk so if I’m reading this correctly, it’s not how much silver we EARN that unlocks, but how much silver we SPEND that unlocks the balloons. I guess I’ll go ahead and start doing that as soon as I have enough dust.
My plan is to get the maximum amount like I’m sure most everybody else is planning to do & Buying at least five bunny balloons and maybe 1balloon.
Just tested it again and I am still at 3 TBT. I guess I'll be forever poor now.Is there also a cooldown for making TBT? I posted in a New Horizons thread to test if I am no longer in cooldown and didn't make any bells from the post.
I'm very curious to see how many of each new regular/bunny/heart balloon actually spawn, given how many different colours there are. I feel like some could end up being super super rare just due to RNG luck.