StreetPass Souvenirs [Milestone 100000 Reached!]

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Not me winning the rare red balloon mere moments before it became cheap and easy to access for everyone, haha.

I love these! The bunny balloons are gorgeous and I always wanted yellow and purple balloons! I hope I can max out at 600 silver. The heart balloons aren’t really my thing, but frankly that’s a relief as the currency we can earn is limited. Can’t wait to trade with others.
But don't worry, these balloons will surely make a comeback soon during The Bell Tree's 20th Birthday year!
I’m really glad you let us know this. Because we need to be able to get ALL the balloons, they are so amazing!
Ok so if I’m reading this correctly, it’s not how much silver we EARN that unlocks, but how much silver we SPEND that unlocks the balloons. I guess I’ll go ahead and start doing that as soon as I have enough dust.

My plan is to get the maximum amount like I’m sure most everybody else is planning to do & Buying at least five bunny balloons and maybe 1 💙 balloon.
capitalism 🫠 guess we’ll have alot of balloons in circulation after all!
I didn't think I cared about balloon collectibles-- but wowee! I am so smitten with the heart balloons! And the cute lil bunny ones, aww. I love the sweet variants-- I dunno how you pulled off such a glossy bulbous look in just a few pixels. Extra thanks to Mistreil and Thunder-- it must feel good to make art that people swoon over!
I really love the bunny and new OG ones! Gonna try to get a sweet bunny and sweet reg balloon...we'll see...
Is there also a cooldown for making TBT? I posted in a New Horizons thread to test if I am no longer in cooldown and didn't make any bells from the post.
Just tested it again and I am still at 3 TBT. I guess I'll be forever poor now.
I’m ngl, I really like the new colored regular balloons 🥹 I think I’ll go for those + some bunny and heart balloons! 🎈
oh and if anyone wants to send comments to my profile, go ahead!! pls i love memes
I'm very curious to see how many of each new regular/bunny/heart balloon actually spawn, given how many different colours there are. I feel like some could end up being super super rare just due to RNG luck.
I'm very curious to see how many of each new regular/bunny/heart balloon actually spawn, given how many different colours there are. I feel like some could end up being super super rare just due to RNG luck.

I was wondering this too! At first I assumed that each balloon would have the same rate of appearance, but it seems likely that the sweet balloons will be the rarest. I'm personally hoping for blues, yellows, purples, reds, and maybe some orange.
sweets balloon being the rarest feels like a capitalism moment indeed. the staff knew people would like it the most lol.
From my experience, silver cooldowns are taking much longer than dust cooldowns. Am I just unlucky, or should I stop being as active as I usually am to maximize my silver collection in just a few posts and reactions?
The new balloons look so cute! Hopefully I'll be able to get a few of them~
My profile is open to silver (the currency, not the Pokemon rival) posts if anyone needs them! I'll also be trying to figure out the cooldown time for silver posts while you do so, as I wanna try and be the smart one in this event.
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