I think that college is vastly more unnecessary than it's made out to be. I'm a sophomore in highschool, so keep in mind I'm still pretty stupid.
There's a lot of pressure at my highschool to go to college, which I do think is a positive thing. However, there's a lot of people who I know going to prestigious universities in order to study MUSIC. Community college is a totally underrated thing to do, and I believe that a lot of people going to university could get their degree at community college and still get the same job. This is mostly because I'm in a state where a lot of people work labor/blue collar jobs, though.
Yeah, here's the problem with High School. They definitely push their kids to go to college, which I get, but at the same time you're at such a young age that going to school for a career just seems STUPID. I didn't have any idea what I wanted to do when I graduated, that's why I didn't go to college right away, I didn't start till I was 24, (i'm 25 now) so I am still in the middle of my college career. I wouldn't change it for the world. I am more motivated that I ever would have been at the age of 17 after graduating.
So no, I don't think you're stupid for thinking it is unnecessary. I made it just fine for 7 years without it. I just realized I wanted more for the career path I found I wanted to go down. Ya know!?
Everybody around me frowns upon people who don't jump right into uni/community college right after highschool. My school is against gap years, and the counselors and advisors will do their best to push their college agenda onto students. Also, it's awkward talking to my mom about further education, because personally I want to take a couple of years after highschool to work and develop a work ethic before I enter community college, but my mom has extensive degrees and I'm worried she'll kick me out of the house if I don't go right into community college. It sucks how frowned upon gap years are where I live.
If your parents are paying for it though, it’s really up to them what you do, because without money in this world you don’t have any say. Also, the longer you wait to enter university, the more time that could be wasted. I get that it’s important to figure out what you want to do first, but my parents are very, very smart people, and nowadays they have told me before it doesn’t matter what degree you get, just that you get a degree. Often most of the time, in job markets, people with degrees get the jobs versus the people who do not have as much education.
Also though, it’s not just about university’s education, but how smart YOU can be as an individual. My dad worked for Coca Cola as a Marketing Manager, ultimately working there for over a decade before he retired recently. He told me there have been people with Masters degrees that could not write the simplest of reports with good grammar, rhetoric, and syntax, and because of that they ultimately did not get the job with the company.
So it doesn’t just matter how much education you have, it matters how smart you are, how well you write, and how you carry yourself about in every day life. I know for sure I would never, ever want a boring morning job, because I’m not a morning person and I know for a fact I would get fired day one.
That’s the tea, people.