Stupid things you used to believe as a child?

I’m not personally religious, but my mom is, and she raised me with like god and Jesus and what not. I remember sometimes to comfort me she would say “Jesus lives in your heart.” So me, a four year old, would imagine a little tiny dancing man inside of my heart.

Also I asked my mom about the veins of the chicken. I think when I asked her “is that poop,” she was only half listening to me. So for the longest time I was just disgusted by eating chicken because I thought the veins were poopy.
I was in an outpatient program for a couple weeks in elementary school and because I was little and hated being away from school, I lowkey thought the people running it were evil. They had medicated hand soap that said “only to be purchased by medical personnel” or something on the package. I thought that meant they were trying to poison me. One of the psychologists had a book called “DRUGS” on his shelf and I was like why on earth would a good guy have that book?
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