Stupid things you used to believe as a child?

I was raised in a VERY religious family, so until I started going to actual school, I believed a lot of things that just... weren't true. I can't even begin to list it all, because I'd be typing until the heat death of the universe.
I used to think I was white like everyone else around me when I was a child. (I'm Korean). LOL.
- I remember thinking that people from different time periods saw like how photos from that time looked. I thought that people before colour photography only saw in black and white and I think I also thought that people before photography saw things like a painting.

- I also remember being really confused about how movies and TV shows I would watch could have things from the past but were made recently. Like whenever I saw someone write with a quill, I would think that the movie must be way older than I thought it was because no one uses them today. For some reason I just didn't understand that a story can be set in a different time period to when it was made.

(These were both when I was really young)
i’m not sure how but until i was 12 or 13 i thought that perish meant vanish… imagine a 6 year old going up to you, saying “i am going to perish” and then running away;;
i didn't know until embarrassingly recently that here in the uk, you have to pay at the vet. i thought animals were part of the NHS.
that nobody in my 1st grade class would know what a guinea pig was.

you see, i had a lot of anxiety at that age and and i didn’t like to answer questions at school because i was afraid my teachers and classmates would make a big deal if i got something wrong (which they did) or react like i was crazy if they mentioned something they never heard of. one time my teacher made a chart with my class listing the pets we had and tallying them off. she would call on us to say what pet we have and add if there’s any more animals she forgot. miraculously, she seemed to forget i was there (i know i was quiet but she seemed to never leave me alone always badgering me with questions trying to force me to talk) and didn’t call on me. i would have had to be the first person to say “guinea pig” since no one else did.
my mom tried to assure me people knew what they were but i was hard to convince.

then it came time for me to be student of the week. when this happened, you’d get a board up on the wall all about you, sit in a special chair, and your parent would come in and read the class your favorite book. the class would also ask you questions about yourself. when that happened, i don’t remember being super nervous but finally someone asked the dreaded question “what pets do you have?” in that split second, i mustered up every bit of courage in me and said “I have a guinea pig.” immediately, the class erupted into a chorus of “ohhhh yeah i have one of those! my friend has one of those! i want want of those,” etc and i felt like a million ton boulder was lifted off my chest. my mom being there almost certainly helped ^^

but then they asked me what her name was, and i had used up all my bravery and went silent again…but that’s a story for another time.
Funnily enough I just mentioned something today to a fellow member! I used to think dogs noses were made from leather! 🐶
Funnily enough I just mentioned something today to a fellow member! I used to think dogs noses were made from leather! 🐶
I thought dogs' noses were made of chocolate, or at least they reminded me of chocolate.

…don't worry, I never tried to bite a dog's nose. I swear.
Oh gosh... I remember looking through the things in my mom's bathroom as a kid and discovering her deodorant. My tiny child self assumed it had to be fancy face cream, so I tried a little on my cheek. Ultimately I decided the texture felt too weird and stopped. (Thank goodness.) I later learned what deodorant is actually used for and was appropriately horrified, haha.

I also used to think you'd float away in a bubble like Glinda from Wizard of Oz if you swallowed bubblegum... I think my dad told me that one and I believed it for a good while.
when i was 8, i knew the middle finger was an offensive hand gesture. i’d be so worried that any movement in my hands would move my middle finger slightly up and god would kill me right then and there because yk middle finger = bad.

there was a rumor that went around in my elementary school that some kids summoned “bloody mary” in the bathroom and i believed it so bad 😭
When I was in third or second grade, one of my friends told me his parents were robbers and that's the only reason they could pay taxes. I actually got scared and thought that I should tell my parents, because I never actually met his parents. Anyway, a while after that I asked him if he remembered when he said that it wasn't true. I can't believe I actually listened to him.
I was a pretty logical child, so I didn't really believe in anything too outlandish because I always tried to be skeptical about EVERYTHING. I never believed in Santa Clause because I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he could visit EVERY SINGLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD in one single night? Come on, lol!

However... I did believe in supernatural creatures and such, so, when some kids from school found a note in a tree, which was written by a "fairy" I believed them! I even wrote my own letters to the "fairies" and they wrote back!!!! It wasn't until years later when I realized that it was just these stupid kids pretending to be these fairies and they were the ones writing letters to me back and forth.
I used to believe Florida was in France. Hol up let me explain.

All because of Home Alone 2. Kevin asks the passenger next to him if he's ever been to Florida and he replied in French (I think it is?). Then the McCallister family was in Florida and were watching TV at a motel and the movie was in French.
Kinda dark, but I used to believe that families didn't actually sit down for dinner together, and it was just a TV thing. Just dysfunctional family things.