Pokemon Go.
That stupid "To be continued" meme I keep seeing. I don't get it. Why post a "To be continued" on a clip if there's footage after it that actually shows what happens. I can't believe how many notes those stupid posts get.
Drawing your lips on way bigger than they actually are... I mean come on... We can still see what your natural lips look like! No amount of lip liner, lip stick and concealer will hide that. You look like a drag queen new to wearing makeup.
Also 71 genders jesus christ people.
#cutsforbieber and hashtags in general. I get like labeling something #art or #music and genres etc. but I don't understand when people start making a million hashtags for random stuff and put them on their selfies. Like.. what are you doing.. >.< is it suppose to get your picture more views??
agreed with the 71 genders things, there should only be a handful of genders: Femal, Male, Trans, Nonbinary, fluid, and maybe a few more. Other than those it just puts those people into the "Special Snowflake" category.
agreed with the 71 genders things, there should only be a handful of genders: Femal, Male, Trans, Nonbinary, fluid, and maybe a few more. Other than those it just puts those people into the "Special Snowflake" category.
That stupid "To be continued" meme I keep seeing. I don't get it. Why post a "To be continued" on a clip if there's footage after it that actually shows what happens. I can't believe how many notes those stupid posts get.
trans isn't a gender but yeah i agree to some extent, like when people are labeling themselves "stargirlflux" “nanogender” "magigender" "aesthegender" and things it kind of upsets me (nothing against nb people at all, you're all cool, this isn't directed at you) and I understand why people do it but as a trans person i get lumped into this category and it actually affects our treatment because nobody will believe us and if you ever mention being trans it's likely you'll get people pop in like "yeah, I sexually identify as an attack helicopter too!" like sure, thanks, thanks a lot, I can imagine that it's even worse for nb people too. People can do what they want, but when people do this **** and put it over the internet, stating that it doesn't hurt anyone, they should be aware that it does in fact negatively affect people (said people who are already highly discriminated against) but I don't really at all get why this affects cis people and why they get so invested in it.