Suggestions Nintendo NEEDS to take SERIOUSLY

Gosh literally anything from NL that ISNT A CASH GRAB will be godsend. They came out with sanrio so they could sell more cards. Mario so they can put more attention on Mario games and hopefully sell some. Any other items came in very small amounts, and seriously the business plan is showing through soo much we can’t stand it anymore. If they continue treating us like nothing more than streams of money, I am never going to support/buy Nintendo items again. Let alone be proud that I am a switch player rather than Xbox and PS. I am so over this.
honestly, the thing that is annoying me the most is the amiibo reprint availability issue...

I would really like to see them start moving on adding more NookMile Items, things I have seen other players suggest about Kappin?? going off island outside of the random nook mile islands.
More Villager interaction.. the card game would be a nice touch if it wasn't the way to invite villagers in... It has become an annoyance...
Little games with villagers would be nice just as casual interaction. Tic Tac Toe in the sand... maybe a matching game or rock paper scissors...
Guessing game like Ispy but bring an item from your inventory over... or a plucked flower they are thinking of...
I know these are little things that aren't game changing, but they are very nice touches for CASUAL interaction.
Customization options of NPC buildings would really help those who have a detailed theme going on their island. And since this is a game about crafting and customization...

QOL updates would be nice..
  1. Shopping cart of ables sisters. This one is self explanatory and its kinda absurd they didn't implement this day one
  2. Customizable Resident Services
  3. Shop Upgrades
  4. Shops for Lief and Kicks
  5. Ability to customize shop exterior
  6. Starting villagers able to get their real house. I don't want to get rid of Ruby just so she can have her real house.
  7. Minigames
  8. more furniture sets, bring back all of them from new leaf.
  9. Villagers that used to be on your island should recognize you when you see them again on mystery tours. It's so weird for me to talk to joey and have him act like he's never met me or heard of my island- like yes you have! you were one of the first people there!
  10. more than one island per switch. I will complain about this stupid decision until the sun explodes.
I really just want them to do some free quality of life improvements. I don't mind paying for additional content after the first year, for fancy stuff, but seriously I gave up shopping at the tailor's because it was so tedious and it's so much quicker to buy in the shops here on Bell Tree Forums. And 5 of an item is not really "bulk", Nooklings. But I still love the game.
Well this list will be very long but... ok
1: Improve dialogue. So people say new leaf dialogue was repetitive too, but in game, it feels like every villager has 3 unique dialogues, then repeats.
2: Bring back t&t emporium or something like it with more expensive furniture.
3:Brewster better come back by the end of 2021.....
4: Being able to buy more than 5 things at a time in nook shopping. I personally don't mind this but other people do and I think they deserve it.
5: More stores. My island is city themed and it would really help if Nintendo decided to add a new building. I don't care who owns it, just make a new building.
6: Kapp'n and tortimer island. Maybe they could add the squeaky hammer as a diy and add new tours+all the ones from new leaf like a net battle were the goal is to hit each player 3 times with your net to earn some exclusive furniture.
Disclaimer: new horizons is OK, but let's just say if Nintendo actually adds these things in, I'll be happy.
~~List of Grievances~~

1. Nooks needs an upgrade:
NL had 4 upgrades...T&T Emporium had so much to offer unlike the current Nook's Cranny. Some people, Nintendo, don't want rustic island villages ok? Give players more options.

2. Mini games:
At least NL had an island with mingames. The mini games were always different each day. Mini games can help break the monotony of this game. It seems like I do more chores than have fun.

3. More buildings:
Lots of players want more buildings. Of course this could mean we need an island upgrade, which probably wont happen

4. Mischief and Toy Hammers:
Some players, like myself, want to...make mischief...with other villagers. Bringing back tricky pitfall seeds and toy hammers would be a great start.

5. House & Building customisation:
I was surprised by the lack of house customisation in this game. Its almost shocking. I wish we could also customise the Town Hall (like we could in NL) because that purple roof is hideous..

6. QoL Updates that Nintendo Refuses To Implement:

- Like changing it so we can buy and craft in bulk.
- Buying more in the changing infuriating to get in and out of it
- Buy more than 5 items on Nook Shopping...
- Exchanging for NMT in bulk
- Perma tool items (golden items upgraded not to break)
- Many more but theyre slipping my mind
Some way to disable the wind animation and the realistic shadows would be nice; from what I can tell this is the sort of thing that causes highly decorated islands to lag (which utterly baffles me because you'd think the first QC thing they'd do in a game about decorating an island would be to see what the absolute limits are).
Addressing amiibo scarcity/stock issues would also be nice, but 🙄 their track record for that isn't great.
Some transparency on updates or a road map for them, too. We still don't know why hybrid island or the original interest rates were done away with.
i genuinely just want an “add to cart” option at able’s and the ability to hug my villagers - i would 100% never complain again. i’d also love to be able to celebrate the npcs’ birthdays! i hate the fact that they have birthdays but it just,, never gets mentioned. 😕
forgive me if this does not quite fit this thread, and for anything I am getting wrong/ already exists in a previous game. Acnh is my first animal crossing game.

This is 100% never going to happen, daydreaming stuff, and probably not a very unique idea, but:

what if you could create a second island to which one of your playable characters would move (or a new character), existing in the same world though, so characters could hop back and forth relatively easily, like harv’s island. And the second island you can build different businesses - like maybe lief and/ or kicks has a store on that island, or label and this Gracie I have heard about but never met, and maybe Brewster, who everyone seems to want so much (and I am curious too) would set up there and either a new set of critters you would have to bring back to blathers or the gyroids, since many people are completing their crittepedias this month. Ideally it would be a more contiguous world, so villagers could also appear across islands. But it would also be independent in the sense that you have a character who lives there and some kind of development storyline and villagers who live on that island (I really want more villagers and it is my fantasy) and more island to decorate and design.

this would not be possible in the system we have now I think. It’s be a huge add onto the game and the only thing I could imagine would be as some kind of expansion offered when with the switch pro (if that happens). But really, never going to happen, and I know that so maybe this is the wrong thread for this random dream of mine. But i just thought it would be fun to share. Be kind when shoot down my dreams please 😅
(I don’t think Nintendo listens at all anyway, especially to an English language forum...but we can dream!)

Also, @xara , the addition of being able to hug my villagers would also make me so so happy! I’d play 24/7. 🥰
Well first and foremost, we need Brewster. I would be content if he and the Roost returned (although being able to work shifts or something interactive/mini-game-ish would be really appreciated with this as well) and we got nothing else. That being said, there are other things that I would like to see:
-I 100% agree with the mini-games! We need them back, they add a lot of charm and fun to the game.
-More furniture sets, everyone has been going on about it and I would agree that it is something that would greatly improve the game.
-I wouldn't mind more shops, I understand the argument that this takes away from the whole island thing so maybe they could make them optional projects that we could add?
-Star constellations with Celeste again!
-Moveable town hall, the things we could do with our islands if this were possible!
-Building upgrades: We saw in happy home design that we can completely change the vibe of a building if we want. Imagine being able to coordinate the airport, town hall etc to a theme of our choosing?!

There are probably lots more but these are just from the top of my head.
I love the idea of Celeste letting us make constellations as I really liked doing that in wild world. Quality life improvements we’ve all spoken about would be nice other than that I would also love more dialog and furniture. Plus having interactive furniture would be great too
I just said this in the rant thread (for the 50th time) but I'll keep saying it until Nintendo drops the dang flower spawn rate after rain/snow. Drastically. I hate avoiding this weather but I hate digging everything up even more. I've lost count of how many times I dug up 30-40 flowers before I completely got over it and I just avoid the game now. Is that what you want Nintendo????
More NPCS, shops upgrades, more interesting character dialogue, more custom design slots, ability to add more bridges and inclines, a shopping cart for able sisters so we don't have to buy one item at a time, and the list goes on 😪
I'm sorry, but I don't take seriously any text written - even partially - in caps with more than one exclamation mark at the end of the sentence. As for the ideas themselves, if I was the game's director, only #2 would be on my to-do list.