Pokémon Sun&Moon: What'd You Name Your Starter?


The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
So I just started playing this morning and I got a Rowlet who is so cute and round! I decided to name it "Smol" because it is smol and cute. =D I like to name most if not all of my pokemon, usually after meme's or funny things I don't know, it's just how I roll.

(I already have a Pikipek named Pearl from SU and a Yungoos named Trumpf. XD Good times.)

So do you name your pokemon? If so what did you name your starter?
Lol, I also named my Yungoos Trump. XD My starter is Poppy the Popplio. ^_^
I called my Incineroar "Incinebara" . dont ask, google it if you want e////e
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I named my Popplio Aqua, seemed like a fitting name considering it turned out to be Female for me.
I'd name my Rowlet Blathers, then Edgeworth then Arrow.
I named my (male) Rowlet, "Ziel" <3
It means "aim" and/ or "target" in German :)

Every time I play Pokemon, I spend a very long time coming up with names that match and sound unique xD I take the naming thing too seriously, lol

.. I enjoy giving my little Pok?squad backstories ; v ; Am I the only one? X3
Fun fact, I've never named my starters since Pokemon Firered and Leafgreen. I don't know why, I just don't fancy it. Yet I nickname other things...
I named Rowlet. Bow And Owl. Kinda fit in with the Decidueye theme right there.
Still haven't got the game, but I plan on getting Popplio and will call it Alyssa regardless if it is male or female. Some of you might get the reference. :)
When I get my copy, I'm going to get a Rowlet, and I'm going to nickname it Capowldi - you know, after Peter Capaldi, because Peter Capaldi looks like an angry owl.
Speaking of names... does anyone know if/where there is a name rater/changer in this game?