Pokémon Sun or Moon?

Sun or Moon?

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I'm getting both, but I currently have more plans for moon

and idc about either cover legendary enough to be a factor in deciding tbh (I never use legends or pseudo-legends in my runs anyways)
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For me, at some point I'm getting both (One version on release, one on Christmas)

Though the one I get first is the one I prefer, and that would have to be Sun. Personally I just think the legendary looks cooler.
i voted for moon but i'm also planning on getting sun at a later date.#team moon/litten.
I like Solgaleo more, but it'll be traded anyway so I'm waiting to see the exclusives to decide.
I voted sun but now that I think about it I'm going to get moon because Lunaala looks amazing.
I want moon but I prefer the sun legend so I'm not sure. I'm gonna wait and decide later
I'll be getting Moon because I really like the look of Lunaala. Usually my bf gets the other version so we can trade Pok?mon, but I think he wants Moon as well.
I think I'll get Moon, I don't know for sure though because with XY I wasn't very taken in with the game, but I don't know, I like all the new Pokemon and the redesigned ones so I might have to go for it.
i'm a huge sucker for lions so i'll be definitely getting sun. with that said, i do like the fact that both games are twelve hours apart and will probably end up playing both because Lunaala is also freaking awesome.
I love moon related things, but I also want to have the least popular of the options. I'm not sure which I'll pick.
yes moon. too bad the time will always be night when i play :(

i might be wrong but i think the game works with the time of your 3DS. So if you change the time twelve hours later it should be day when youre playing.
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