Pokémon Sun or Moon?

Sun or Moon?

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I have not decided yet. I just really like both versions that much. I like the Sun Pok?mon legendary and the Moon Pok?mon legendary. I also like how the dog pok?mon evolution are supposely version exclusives I am told. Not only that, but the fact that i rarely play at night time makes me wonder if I want moon so it can become easier for me to play on night time since some pok?mons are only evolved or caught at a certain weather setting or something like that in game.
I've got both pre-ordered until closer to release when they've released most of the info, but unless they reveal something amazing exclusive to Moon, I'll be canceling that and getting Sun.

The time aspect doesn't really bother me. Honestly, if I get Moon, I'll just set my 3DS clock 12 hours forward so the time of day is 'correct'. I don't wanna play in a tropical region at night...At least not when the actual sun is up.

I'm mostly picking from exclusives at this point and I think I prefer all of Sun's so far. Rockruff's midday form and that little monkey stand out the most. Non of the Moon exclusives appeal to me at all.
I probably won't even use any of these exclusives, but, yano, may as still get the one with the exclusives I prefer.

I also generally don't pick versions based on legendaries either since I never actually use legendaries, but Sun has the cooler legendary. The ultra beast things sound like they're practically legendaries too, and Absorption reminds me of a Stand from Jojo.

I think the only thing that could possibly change my mind and go with Moon at this point is if Houndoom or Mawile (typically version exclusives) are in the game and are exclusive to it.
Moon cause of the werewolf and so that the time is all messed up. X3 I think that adds uniqueness to the game.
I intend to get both Sun & Moon since I always get both versions of Pokemon games for simpler Pokedex completion. That said, I'll favor Moon since I greatly prefer Lunala over Solgaleo and I also like that Midnight Form Lycanroc is a werewolf. As for the UB-02 forms, I'm a bit more partial to Beauty than Absorption, though I like both of them. Moon simply has more that appeals to my tastes.
I already have both on pre-order but Moon will be my main because I prefer the theme of night over day. I'm also hoping that exploring a foreign place mostly at night will be more immersing for me.
moon! nighttime is always what i prefer, being a night owl and the moon being my favorite celestial body; i like the lycanroc version exclusive for sun more than the moon one, but i'll be able to get one from my friend. uwu
seems like a lot of people are playing moon

my head says sun but my heart says moon lmao probably gonna end up playing moon even tho solgaleo is best poke
I will definitely get Moon first. Lunaala looks amazing, and I prefer night to day and moon to sun in general anyway! I'm a completion is though, so I will very likely get both. I'm super excited about some of the new Alola forms. Vulpix and Ninetails look amazing! <3
Moon, though Lycanroc makes it hard to choose. Might just trade for Midday Lycanroc.

Also Silvally is the best Alola mon and you cannot convince me otherwise.
I'm getting Sun because Solgaeo is so amazing <3! Also, Moon will be set 12 hours ahead of your 3Ds time, resulting in it almost always being night (unless you stay up till the wee hours of the morn) and I prefer day over night. c:
Sun because of maxresdefault.jpg
Even though my mother got back into Pokemon and is getting Sun version, I'm still going to try and get both. Definitely getting Moon before Sun though, but the reason as to why I am getting both is so I can have a spare save file to mass delete breedjects through PokeBank (unless that is a feature introduced into PokeBank itself when it gets updated to have compatibility with SM).