☀️ Sunburn 🔥

When was the last time you had sunburn?

  • This summer

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Last summer

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • A few years ago

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Many years ago

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • Never had sunburn

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters


🏃living the life set before us🚴
Feb 28, 2020
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I got sunburned yesterday being outside for hours. Granted it was a sleeveless top that did expose a good chunk of my back. And I didn't have any trees over me.
I usually don't think about using sunblock and I'm not a fan of its texture.

When was the last time you got sunburnt?
Have you ever experienced sun poisoning? (Sun sickness/poisoning is an immune response to a bad sunburn or a large sunburn and is comparable to the flu)
I’ve barely been outside so far this summer because my hay fever is really bad, but I did get burnt last year. I try to stay in the shade as much as possible because I burn really easily. Last year I literally got burnt through a UV parasol.
I'm pale and suspectable. I have to wear it. Sometimes I still get burned even if I cover myself in it.

I do like to remind others that it's important, so remember to apply it. It'll help in the long term. Sunburn isn't good for us.
I got sunburnt just over a month ago on the last day of my holiday, they were pretty bad (especially on my legs) and it was just before an 8 hour overnight flight home which made the travel very uncomfortable! I'm pretty pale and can burn easily so always make sure to wear sun cream in the hot weather but unfortunately the sea breeze can make it hard to tell how hot it really is so I didn't top up on it as soon as I should've.
I do my best to stay out of the sun, and when I have to be in the sun, I wear lots of sunscreen. I have very pale skin and I really don't want melanoma, so I do what must be done.
It's bad but I only put on sunscreen when I know I'll be out in the sun for a while. Really I should put it on everyday but I'm lazy.

I haven't gotten sunburn in a while but it's usually pretty mild on my arms and neck
Oh my goodness YES, I have had sun poisoning! So weird—I didn’t even know it existed. When I was a very young adult, probably 22 or so, I stayed with some friends at a lakehouse. We spent the days out on the lake swimming and boating or walking on the sand nearby.

I wasn’t used to wearing tank tops, so when we applied sunscreen, I forgot about the little half-moon of exposed skin at the top of my chest just under my neck and got a sunburn one day. Ouch—but I still wanted to hang out with everyone, so the next day I slathered on aloe and put on plenty of sunscreen and kept going.

Well, it turned out that getting double sunburned is much worse. I developed a bumpy rash all along the affected area that lasted for a month. It was SO itchy, almost unbearable. My doctor said it was like having an allergic reaction. To the sun???? Yes, apparently to the sun. I had to put hydrocortisone on it every few hours. And that is my tale of woe!
i don't think ive ever had one, i used to be outside a lot as a child but less so now. i use sunscreen often anyways, i'm also not very pale so. i dunno!
I don’t remember the last time I had one. I burn super easily though, and i hate the feel of sunscreen, so I usually try to mow the lawn or go on walks in the evening. Thankfully, I’ve never had sun poisoning.
i think i’ve only gotten sunburnt once but that was because of excessive sun exposure over the course of a few days. my skin didn't peel but there was a reddish undertone to my skin and my skin felt kinda sensitive. other than that one instance i normally just get darker when i’m under the sun. i don't spend a lot of time out in the sun cause i tend to overheat easily, but if i do go out when it's sunny i try and stay under shade or somewhere cool.
Last summer in Japan. Me and my bf where doing a beach day but we decided to walk most of the way, and at the end of the day it turned out the sun was shining little harder than we thought lol
Probably a few years ago. I'm generally pretty good about putting on sunblock when I go to the beach these days though.
years ago as a child who didn't know better. skin cancer scares me now. i love sunscreen.
i think the last time i got a sunburn was a couple years ago when i went to a concert and we were standing in line out in the sun for hours. i was wearing a dress and left my sunscreen in the car when my dad dropped us off so my legs got burned and started peeling the next few days. these days i'm usually good at wearing my sunscreen though!
Oh my goodness YES, I have had sun poisoning! So weird—I didn’t even know it existed. When I was a very young adult, probably 22 or so, I stayed with some friends at a lakehouse. We spent the days out on the lake swimming and boating or walking on the sand nearby.

I wasn’t used to wearing tank tops, so when we applied sunscreen, I forgot about the little half-moon of exposed skin at the top of my chest just under my neck and got a sunburn one day. Ouch—but I still wanted to hang out with everyone, so the next day I slathered on aloe and put on plenty of sunscreen and kept going.

Well, it turned out that getting double sunburned is much worse. I developed a bumpy rash all along the affected area that lasted for a month. It was SO itchy, almost unbearable. My doctor said it was like having an allergic reaction. To the sun???? Yes, apparently to the sun. I had to put hydrocortisone on it every few hours. And that is my tale of woe!
Ouch that sounds so rough. Glad you healed from it! I am highly allergic to poison ivy and all of its relatives. So I know how that feels.

One time I got it so bad that my hands got rashy-like bubbles all over them and I could not bend them at all without extreme discomfort and pain. Now I avoid the stuff like the plague and layer up all the time if I know it's somewhere where I am going to be around, ditch my clothes. and clean myself right away. Urushiol is the oil that the plant secretes and causes the reaction and it has a shelf-life of 5 years. So you could potentially get it from clothes that made contact with it wayyy later.

I get sunburn from time to time, but nothing like I do with poison ivy. That stuff is the bane of my existence.
I luckily never had any sunburns yet - and considering how I am taking UV protection very seriously now, I hope to never have one!
It's been quite a while I think. I have lots of freckles/birthmarks on one part of my body and I was always told as a kid it's important to keep sunscreen on, and now that I'm an adult I have really bad health anxiety so I'm still careful about always putting it on.
About 2 years ago!

TW: Diarrhea/throwing up

I was at my dads who lives in the south of France and we spent the afternoon at a public outside pool. It was hot and there were no umbrellas but I didn’t mind it much at the time.
A night goes by, I wake up and my stomach hurts, we were supposed to go join friends at their camping for the day but I asked to stay at our place, dad declined my request.
So I spent the ENTIRE day with my stomach hurting like hell, and when we finally came back home I went to do my business and I bled. My dad panicked (bit late buddy), and he rushed me to the hospital.
Turns out I got a viral diarrhea from being too exposed to the sun? (That’s what the nurse told me at least)
I will spare you the details of my 3 WHOLE days of suffering one of which I spent alternating with throwing up!
Mind you I had only a week off work, what a way to spend it!

Oh and to answer the thread’s topic, I got a sunburn so bad my skin was literally burnt and I was peeling black parts of skin, fun!
Although I was in so much pain from my illness I didn’t even feel pain from my sunburn for the most part.
I'm never ever outside long enough in the summer (POTS moment) to get sunburn. I get too hot and sweaty and dizzy wayyy too quickly.
But when I was out in Boston last summer visiting friends, I got sunburnt at the beach 😅 I forgot to put on sunscreen. I also burn way too easily. Tanning..? What's that? I just go straight to sunburnt xD