Super Flora!


Senior Member
Feb 25, 2009
I know there has been a topic on here before, showing that flowers can spawn hybrids dropping from the higher elevation above the cliff to the lower elevation below it. But today, I saw this effect in reverse. I was fairly surprised by this... it does seem to defy gravity. Maybe the seed caught a thermal or something lol.

Anyway, here's a pic. Below the cliff are three cosmos, including a red and a white one. Above the cliff, the spawned pink hybrid.
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That's pretty cool, that awesome happens to grass when you walk right on top of it to much.
I've seen this before, too. My white pansies spawned a blue pansy on the cliff above. I promptly moved it to be with the other blue pansies :)
Treat it as a Queen or King! It has super powers :O ! I think all my hybirds have dies because I haven't been on in ages XD .
IceZtar said:
Treat it as a Queen or King! It has super powers :O ! I think all my hybirds have dies because I haven't been on in ages XD .
I'm keeping all my hybrids in closets at the moment. We're TTing one day at a time to rehab our grass, and TTing can wreak havoc on your hybrids. What I've been doing is turn the date forward, start the game, go to Nooks and buy all the flowers (and anything I don't already have in my catalog), walk around town on the paths, water existing flowers, plant new flowers, collect any hybrids, and talk to any neighbors out walking around.

It has been an extremely tedious process, but I have a lot more grass than before. I'm currently 2 months in the future and I figure I have about one more month to go before it will be rehabbed all the way back from the desert it was. In the meantime, my closet is getting PACKED with hybrids!

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Away236 said:
can't wait til rainy season in animal crossing, but i'd wish it would rain more in real life
It just started raining here (in real life) every day. Our daily thunderstorms continue through most of hurricane season, which starts in about 2 weeks. Ugh... I prefer the rain on AC to the daily deluge I see for a couple months.