Smash Bros Super Smash Bros. Wii U Tourney X!

macskar and CookingOkasan have been DQ'ed.
Aali forfeits.

Due by Saturday:
m3ow_ vs Trundle
LolkittyMC vs Bostostar

Complete Loser's Round 2 and Round 3 match-up's if possible. Thank you!!
Due by Saturday:
m3ow_ vs Trundle
LolkittyMC vs Bostostar

Complete Loser's Round 2 and Round 3 match-up's if possible. Thank you!!

Bostostar hasn't replied at all today :/ If he doesn't respond by Saturday do I win that fight?
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Can RhinoK be DQ'd now? They've barely been active and the extension wouldn't make sense if they're never on.
Was looking forward to winning, bye I guess.
You should've been active then, if you knew you'd have to be inactive while the tournament was starting, then you shouldn't have signed up.
Tbh I was surprised you were that good considering you just got the game. Then again I haven't been practicing. XD

I've had my wii u since black friday and played before that too... I just never interacted with people on here about it until this tournament for some reason
Hopefully my opponent does come on 2am my time hahaha I've been itching to play in this tourney damnit.
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