Shop 🌸 SW/SH Shop (Legendaries | 6IV JPN Ditto | Shinies | Aprimons ) 🌸

Yeah! I don't mind c: What do you have for trade in Pokemon? O: We could do 250tbt for the 6IV and some Pokemon trades cx I'm looking for mints, apricot balls, master balls, and some Pokemon with HA in a cute pokeballs. If you have any of those we can work something out :3

I have Rash Mint that you're given by the game, at least I was. I've got a Dream Ball, which I've noticed you want, and you can have my Beast Ball too, cause I'm almost certain I'm not gonna use that one. I'd get you a different mint but I have nowhere near enough BP (from buying a couple destiny knots whoops).

I can put any of em on some high-IV pokemon too! Just- if you want em. I literally do nothing but breed in these games.
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I have Rash Mint that you're given by the game, at least I was. I've got a Dream Ball, which I've noticed you want, and you can have my Beast Ball too, cause I'm almost certain I'm not gonna use that one. I'd get you a different mint but I have nowhere near enough BP (from buying a couple destiny knots whoops).

I can put any of em on some high-IV pokemon too! Just- if you want em. I literally do nothing but breed in these games.

Haha that's fine! XD 250tbt + Beast ball + Dream ball + Rash mint sounds good to me cx Did you want a Hatenna 5IV with HA and Eevee 5IV with HA for free? :3 I'll add those in for you if needed cx
Haha that's fine! XD 250tbt + Beast ball + Dream ball + Rash mint sounds good to me cx Did you want a Hatenna 5IV with HA and Eevee 5IV with HA for free? :3 I'll add those in for you if needed cx

That would be the most amazing thing in the world, thank you so much. I'll pop the items onto some Pokemon. I've got a 5IV Blipbug, 5IV Scorbunny, and 5IV Falinks if those all sound goods?
That would be the most amazing thing in the world, thank you so much. I'll pop the items onto some Pokemon. I've got a 5IV Blipbug, 5IV Scorbunny, and 5IV Falinks if those all sound goods?

That sounds amazing <3 Tysm! Let me know when you are ready to trade! :> I'm just hatching eggs trying to get this darn shiny Eevee ahahaha!
That sounds amazing <3 Tysm! Let me know when you are ready to trade! :> I'm just hatching eggs trying to get this darn shiny Eevee ahahaha!

Ready to trade! Good luck with that Eevee, gosh. Hatching shinies can be a pain.
Hahaha all good! Thank you so much!! XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

OH just to make sure, did you still want the other ditto on hold? :3

Go ahead and take it off hold, but thank you for holding it to begin with!!
may I please buy your zacian uwu. also by mint you mean the mint flavor of alcremie right? I think I have a couple of those I can trade too
may I please buy your zacian uwu. also by mint you mean the mint flavor of alcremie right? I think I have a couple of those I can trade too

KATEEEEEE <3333 You sure can! And the mints are for changing a Pokemon's nature! You get them from the battle tower :D
KATEEEEEE <3333 You sure can! And the mints are for changing a Pokemon's nature! You get them from the battle tower :D

OHH I feel dumb lol. oki I'll see if I have any of those
Trainer Name- Brew
Buying- 4IV JPN Ditto x2
Looking For/Requesting- n/a
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - No
TBT Offer/Total- 200
Trainer Name- Brew
Buying- 4IV JPN Ditto x2
Looking For/Requesting- n/a
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - No
TBT Offer/Total- 200

Sounds great! cx I'm ready to trade now if you are! :3