today works for me, satan
Sounds good!! I'm free to trade now if you are! <3
awesome! yep i’m on 8) sending bells now !
Sounds good!! I'm free to trade now if you are! <3
awesome! yep i’m on 8) sending bells now !
thanks a bunch : D
Can you get/breed a sirfetch’d? (^◇^) I don’t have any specifics, just having trouble evolving a farfetch’d haha
Trainer Name- elf
Buying- JPN 6iv ditto
Looking For/Requesting- n/a
Pokerus? Y/N (Additional 50tbt charge) - n/a
TBT Offer/Total- 500
msg me on disc if that's easier ^_^
Is there any way you can put that Japanese Ditto with the Serious Nature on hold for a little bit? I've also got a bunch of 4-5 perfect IV 'mons due to me breeding for competitive that I can look through just in case you want a few to breed yourself.
I definitely can! No rush on it! <3
Thanks! I may be a moment, but I should be getting the proper amount of TBT for it pretty soon. I'll also compile a list of the stronger Pokemon that I have that I no longer need (because in all fairness, I was just gonna wonder-trade them for funsies)
Another 6IV JPN Ditto for sale cx
I know I already have something on hold but I do have a question. Is there any way we can haggle with prices or offer other things in addition to TBT? Cause that 6iv japanese ditto is the most tempting/useful thing in the world but It'd be a while till I could have the Bells for it (because Micheal doesn't believe in saving money)