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Swearing - Is it not looked down upon anymore?

who told u penis and sex are bad words

Funny how on some shows the characters can directly call someone a "b**ch" but god forbid they say "f**k".

Only certain words can appear at certain time slots, so it's often in favour of the shows production that they limit their language.

(Specifically in real life, I'm far more forgiving online) I just find unjustified swearing distasteful, and someone's use of swear words simply alters my perception of their personality.

In Australia practically everyone swears, well at least in my area. You could swear at school and no one would care. But I do agree with most of you in the fact if someone swears every sentence its kinda annoying, like theyre trying too hard lol

soz but you live in a bogan area
If you're just talking about in media, yeah, it's getting more lenient, but that only makes sense as that industry gets bigger and bigger and appeals to a wider audience. As for just out and about it's definitely no more than "back in the day", chances are just "back in the day" meant you were younger and didn't encounter it as much. It's really based on who you're around. At my university I never hear anyone swear, but during the summer I worked in a wood processing facility and if you didn't swear every sentence it was kinda weird.
i swear a lot and i dont like it, but i cant really stop now anywayss

but its just disgusting to see really young kids swearing
i swear a lot and i dont like it, but i cant really stop now anywayss

but its just disgusting to see really young kids swearing

Yes, I have a pretty ugly mouth and I don't give a damn honestly. It's just words, and again it's not personal. It's that I'd go call random people ass or something.
I find swearing immature and always inappropriate. It's just rude as a rule.

However, I won't just judge a person because he swears, because often they are ignorant of it being wrong, but I do find it extremely annoying.
I find swearing immature and always inappropriate. It's just rude as a rule.

However, I won't just judge a person because he swears, because often they are ignorant of it being wrong, but I do find it extremely annoying.

who or wat declared it as "wrong"?
It's no big deal. I think swearing gets across emotional language well, and there has been a shift to language becoming more emotional. Part of this is thanks to the internet lacking any tone, people made up for it somehow. And now everyday language isn't dead, just different. Language changes, and the internet is making it change fast. But really people have largely been the same and swearing was never not a thing. It's just what is and isn't a swearword changes over time, and society gets more liberal and less conservative over the years.
I guess it depends on the person. I swear around my friends and such, but when it's time to get serious and professional.
I don't have a problem with swearing, as long as it is in appropriate company.... which for me is mainly just not around kids. Most of my family swears a lot, as does my boyfriend, his family, our friends...etc. Pretty ****ing normal for us, I guess.

Sentence enhancers, man.
I don't have a problem with swearing, as long as it is in appropriate company.... which for me is mainly just not around kids. Most of my family swears a lot, as does my boyfriend, his family, our friends...etc. Pretty ****ing normal for us, I guess.

Sentence enhancers, man.
LOOL Sounds like my life in a nutshell except my family curses around children and surprisingly except them not to copy

- - - Post Merge - - -

i swear a lot bc its the easiest and quickest way to get a point across

Funniest sh** I've read all day
I don't really like it when people swear, I just feel like it's unnecessary. You don't need to swear, either - there are many other words you can use to express your anger and frustration, so why don't people use them? Idk, I just don't find them pleasant sounding either. Not to say I am completely innocent, because I do swear - I just try to avoid doing so. My little brother swears so much, and at me, too. It's really disgusting lol
It depends on context.
Under certain circumstances I look down on it. There is a big difference swearing over having just lost the love of your life, or swearing at a referee because he gave the wrong team the ball.

But mostly I think it makes people look stupid. Especially when its used by groups of teenagers at a hangout place shouting it to eachother while standing directly in front of eachother.
Also in public transportation btw, show some respect to others around you for ****s sake. Nobody is impressed.
I don't really like it when people swear, I just feel like it's unnecessary. You don't need to swear, either - there are many other words you can use to express your anger and frustration, so why don't people use them? Idk, I just don't find them pleasant sounding either. Not to say I am completely innocent, because I do swear - I just try to avoid doing so. My little brother swears so much, and at me, too. It's really disgusting lol

People swear because this is ****ing america and free will and s***, we're not obligated to use "softie" words because you tell us to, m8.
I think that swearing is fine as long as it could be considered moderate or appropriate use. True, those two words are pretty general in themselves, and I understand that.

Why I think this way is because my best friend cusses way more often than I do, but it doesn't get in the way of our close friendship. Her cussing's a part of her character, and if I chastise it I don't think I'm in a position at all to.

I swear too every now and then, myself. Especially on the road, what with people never using their turn signals....
Penis and sex isn't fine

How isn't it?

What does the doctor say? "Right, now I'm going to have to have a look at your tallywacker"

What about "Shnoo-Shnoo education"?

If somebody told you that 'sex' and 'penis' are bad words, they've either been lying to you or they're just overly uncomfortable with the subject in general.
I'm from a country where cuss words are thrown around like free candy from the candy van. I don't bat an eye when someone cusses, ever. I actually have a pretty salty mouth myself.