Sweetheart Spellings

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You can send over the spare 'T' that has the earlier date than my double 'E's

thank you for the trade!
Which one did you want? I’m not entirely sure. Like one of my really old Ts? If you can give me the timestamp of which one you want that would be great so I don’t give you one you can’t use.

(I might not get to this until tomorrow cause I’m about to go to bed)
Which one did you want? I’m not entirely sure. Like one of my really old Ts? If you can give me the timestamp of which one you want that would be great so I don’t give you one you can’t use.

(I might not get to this until tomorrow cause I’m about to go to bed)
Yep, one of the older T's for sure. You can send that one right away!
Would one of your Es at 10:15 happen to go before my R but after my 3:53 Am E? Mountain time is two hours ahead of EST, right? Sorry I’m not good at time zones or converting them.
It's ok I'm also struggling with time zone converting too. I'm pretty sure? It's either 2 hours ahead or behind?

I'll send it to you regardless if you'd like it