Sweetheart Spellings

Does anybody happen to have a W with a timestamp after 7:03 PM EST on February 9 that they could send my way?

Can Offer:
sweetheart 29.png
Still looking for:
A from Feb 8th after 1:46am or Feb 9th before 12:00pm EST
S after 7pm EST on Feb 9

Have these available to anyone that needs them (you don’t need to give me anything in return!):

Times are listed in EST, but you can check my inventory to convert it into your timezone (all the ones I'm keeping have been hidden)
I made a list of letters I can give away if anyone needs any let me know. Sorry if I don’t get back to you right away.

EST time :

E: yesterday 8:47 pm
E: yesterday 6:53 pm
H: yesterday 6:40 pm
A: yesterday 10:20 am
R : yesterday 4:45 am
E: Saturday 10:26 pm
W: Saturday 9:59 pm
W: Saturday 2:47pm
W: Saturday 2:37 pm