Auction Tangy the cat is moving! will TT!

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650k tangy my dreamie thats why im bidding for her beside i love cats :3hehe

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on a side not always thought tangy was a boy X3 lol learned something new everyday not to judge villagers by appearence alone anyway dont suppose you could tell me whats the name of the pink octapus one ?
750k well then best of luck to you as well kelly what other dreamie are yku lookjng fkr ?
Merengue and Zucker. :) Best of luck to you as well! Do you have any cats? :D I have 3 of my own and one of them is an orange little baby. She doesn't meow.. but she coos like a pigeon and howls like a dog -____- kinda special.

i have the rhino meregune as for cats in game only one in thereal life yes one called jess

I have no school today everyone! so ill be on and off through out the day, i might end this in 5 hours from now, so for me 2pm eastern time!
lets see ive had her since 2010 i think after tibby died anoher cat our family has always had a cat for as long as i remember

i might think of rehoming her if i can find the ones immissing :3


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god i miss them :(

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I have no school today everyone! so ill be on and off through out the day, i might end this in 5 hours from now, so for me 2pm eastern time!

im in the uk so that would be 5 or 6ish here i think
Aww. :( Had her for a few years then! I've had my kitties for about 2.5 years now. I love them to pieces. One of them likes to snuggle with me at night like a little kid lol.

Hrmmm.. sounds tempting! :p

i had three together well mam did Candy she died on xmas when i was 9-10 ,mandy never met her she died when i was a baby ,pandy aka pandora had her for 19years died from a stroke on new year ,tigger for 6months she was a stray and died mysteriously vet didnt know what was wrong with her , tibby then came 5years we had her she was a old cat she died from water on the lungs , now we have jess i love each and everyone of them jess is my baby she 4-5 year old black tuxedo cat

1mil 50k
Aww. You've had a lot of cats in your life(I'm jealous)! I've only ever had the cats I have now since my parents were never really fond of pets. I like visiting adoption places to see the kittens and I donate and I work at a vet so I see kitties there too. :3

1mil 100k
Wow i could never work at a vet if i ever had to be in a place where they have to make a tough desicion to put them to sleep i just coukdnt stand it i love animals so much and my mam loves cats and being a only child i need company when there out beside my family always had animals from horses,suicidal fish stanley ,a pig , a dog named lad but he died on xmas too :( i love him even thiugh he was dull like a brush he kept trying to eat my hair lol

1mil 150k
Yeah.. putting them to sleep is hard. The first time is usually the worst but idk.. They tell me it's unprofessional to cry but sometimes I can't help it ;~; especially if the owner is in tears too. It just sucks all around. But it's worth it to be there because I get to help them too, which feels great. :) Wow you've had a lot of animals o_o Lol your dog was funny. I'm sorry for all of your losses, they must be tough to go through. My dad has kept some fish since he built a pond in the backyard and my sister had gotten dogs. I've had a rabbit and a squirrel before but I had to give the rabbit to a friend since I was allergic and I didn't have enough time for him. The squirrel I let go after he was able to run around and play on his own. He was abandoned by his mom and my dad picked him up from the ground. The poor thing ;~;

1mil 200k
:3 yeah but i honestly belive crying is the most professinol thing you can do cause it shows you understand and also care , you can really help ppl by showing you too feel and understand the pain it is to let go it took me a whole year to get over dora death i wont eat for days and the same thing happened again with tibby i would start crying hoping she woukd coming run to see if i was okay cause that what tibby did if you cry she comes to you to comfort you its so sad to lose someone you love and care about or doing what is best for themeven if it means saying goodbye. Evenknow i worry about jess i sort of freak out if she gets bump or hit by accident incase somehing bad happens.

yeah animals are great but a whole lot of work jess is demanding queenof attetion but wow a squirreal cool :3and sorry to hear that allergic reactions are the worst

1mil 250k
:c man i wish I had two Tangys for both of you guys! who ever does not get her ill think of something for you! ;-;
Aww. I hope you had someone there for you through the tough times! It's really difficult when you're alone and people are just like "well they were just a pet".. they are SO much more than just a pet. I worry about my kitties sometimes too but they're young babies and I keep them indoors so they have long lives ahead of them! I spoil them to bits with new toys and my food all the time lol. Yeah! The squirrel was hilarious. He would hide in the bathroom sometimes and scare my mom LOL. And she'd get so mad and my dad would just laugh haha. I had the squirrel when he was really young so he had to be bottle fed. He'd cry when he was hungry. It was like having a real baby ~_~ I'd wake up at 3am sometimes just to go feed him. I still get allergic reactions while at work but they're tolerable and I take medicine. Not a huge deal when I want to stay in the work I love!

1mil 300k

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Aww pipto :3
:c man i wish I had two Tangys for both of you guys! who ever does not get her ill think of something for you! ;-;

thats really sweet and nice of you Pip :3 *hugs* thank you your so generous are you looking for any villagers ?

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1mil 350k

wow what a squirrel XD lol makes me glad i only have jess to worry about and thats good i dontbwork cause of my problem i always wanted to do something with animals but i was scared i might accidently hurt them or something or hurt there feelings by accident does that sound strange
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