Is anyone else having problems tarantula farming in April because of the water bugs? They're taking spawn spots where I want to see tarantulas! It's making these Nook Island trips super long.
if you happen to come across a bamboo island it's really good for hunting tarantulas because there's no ponds or rivers but because theres also no wood you would have to bring a few axes and shovels to clear the bamboo
I agree with Opal, bamboo islands are fantastic for tarantula hunting. Other than that, I think Austin John Plays's new video has a good method to continue tarantula hunting or at the very least atlas moth hunting. The bug cap is 5, and the the water bug cap is 2, so clearing out an island and catching + releasing water bugs when they spawn should mean a new ground spawn (though it's not a guaranteed tarantula). Good luck!
Yes I hate those water bugs they're ugly looking as well lol! I usually try getting at least half of my inventory with tarantulas but I usually end up just getting atlas moths bc I get tired
There is another alternative if you end up on a fresh water island and don't want to spend more Nook Miles. If you follow all the steps to make tarantula island BUT leave the coconut trees atlas moths will spawn. It's not much but if you can bag 30 of them, that's an easy 90,000 bells in your pocket. A little bit more if you fill your pockets up and still intend to take home your unbroken tools (the max you can carry if you leave your tools is 39, since the net will occupy the 40th spot, however).
So based of 30 of them equaling 90,000 you can probably make closer to 100,000 minimum if you sell to Flick. It's not much but it's definitely a second best alternative. I made 126,000 off of 26 atlas moths and 6 tarantulas tonight. So I'll definitely be hunting atlas moths for the duration of April to build up my bank account. My advice if you do this: Bring three nets. I went through two of them because one was used and I still had to fish up a few water bugs.