Tarantula/Scorpion Experiences?


Dedicated Gamer
Feb 4, 2013
Small Mailbox
What are your experiences with Tarantulas or Scorpions? I remember one time when I was 7 or 8 I was running around with a net looking for an oak silk moth and a scorpion came out of nowhere and stung me. Scared me so bad..

Also, what do they look like in the new game? I havent heard much about the bugs or fish in the new game.
The first time I saw a scorpion, I caught it. The first time I saw a tarantula, I caught it. I didn't even know they could bite you until the like fourth time I came across them. After that I got bit on and off, but it was never really that big a problem for me.

A lot of people on another forum I go to say the spider and tarantula are two of the hardest insects for them to catch. I've never had quite a problem like that. The only bugs I have trouble catching are bees and the freaking banded dragonfly!

Anyways, one day I was playing Wild World and hunting for beetles on palm trees. I had my ear buds in because Animal Crossing is really quiet on my DS for some reason. I hear the skittering coming at me. I turn quickly and swing down the net! Only to discover I put the ear buds in my wrong ears and the spider was coming from the other direction. Bit my character right on the rear end. I: Now I double check my ear buds before I put them in.
One time I was just playing CF at night and I was walking around and then a tarantula came and stung me. Then about 10 mins later I saw a scorpian and I caught it. Then about 15 mins after that I came across another tarantula and then it stung me.
When I first caught a scorpion It was my 15th attempt... I kept getting stung and I used to squeal and run every time I saw either a scorpion or a tarantula :') only because I never usually had my net with me!!!
Scorpions and Tarantulas don't start making appearances until June-September. That's probably why there is no information on them yet.
I never had problems with scorpions or tarantulas, I just let them chase me until they stopped, then I turned around slowly and caught them. For bees, I ran up north about 6 squares, got my net out and as soon as the bees showed up on the bottom of the screen I swung my net. Hasn't failed yet.

The only bug I really struggled with was the banded dragonfly. I usually chase them north until they hit a wall which is when I get them.
The first time I saw a Tarantula it scared the living daylight out of me. When it bit me i didn't know what would happen because I was 10 by then. Memories!
I didnt know what was happening but I ran from the tarantula. I didnt realize my net was what made it attack me. Needless to say, I couldn't catch it fast enough and it stung me.
I have never come across a Tarantula or Scorpion in the game before. I guess I never played at the right times or for long enough.

I will definitely keep at least one Tarantula in my home once I get one. I own one irl and I think it'd be cute to have one in game too.
Do the tarantulas people keep as pets not bite? I've always been curious about that.

I think spiders are pretty cute once I get over my initial "OH GOD WHERE'S A SHOE IT MUST DIE" reaction to seeing one. >.> I also tend to feel bad after I kill them...
Do the tarantulas people keep as pets not bite? I've always been curious about that.

I think spiders are pretty cute once I get over my initial "OH GOD WHERE'S A SHOE IT MUST DIE" reaction to seeing one. >.> I also tend to feel bad after I kill them...

Even "tame" Tarantulas can bite. It depends. Sometimes they can get stressed out or scared (snakes too, I used to have one who would bite anyone who didn't hold him right). But really, depending on the kind you get, they are so docile. Mine is just a simple Rosehair, one of the most common for pets, and she rarely moves. It is funny how people think spiders are so lightning fast and zip around because they believe silly horror movies. Unless you're a cricket or something, and right next to her (most pet Tarantulas are female because males only live a few years while females live decades), she's not going to move fast at all.

I don't handle mine because she was a rescue and I don't want to stress her out. That and I am scared of dropping her. Dropping a Tarantula can cause instant death and I am very paranoid.

A Tarantula bite is NOT pleasant. I've heard it's worse than most Scorpion stings. Tarantula fangs are an inch or longer. Their venom is pretty equivalent to a bee or wasp sting... for the more harmless species at least.

Tarantula fur is SO soft though. Seriously. The softest damn thing I have ever touched. Even softer than chinchillas.
I've been playing New Leaf quite a while now, never came across a scorpion or a tarantula, as of yet.
Ah alright. I almost always have my net out when I see them so I never really knew how they act when I don't have the net out!