Cycling TARDIS Cycling Town

OLAF IN BOXES, free to adopt


"This is a pretty nice room! It's so nice that I almost want to move right in! Hah ha!"

? Olaf, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Olaf(アントニオ, Antonio) is a smug anteater villager that first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.


Olaf is one of the few villagers to have sleeves and wear pants. He also has a bit of brown hair on his head. His initial appearance is that of a Spanish bullfighter, as referenced by both his Japanese name (Antonio) and the name of his starting garment (Matador's Jacket). His pants and sleeves are not removed if he changes his shirt, proving that the "sleeves" are just part of his body coloration.


Below is a brief description of the smug personality. For more information, click here.
Olaf has a smug personality. This means he will appear kind and gentlemanly when in conversation with the player. He has a tendency to flirt with female characters and fantasize about romance. Olaf will occasionally talk about being into niche hobbies, like being a train fanatic or collecting plastic bottle caps. He will be very interested in fashion and will mention it often in conversations and letters.


Olaf's house resembles somewhat of a pub with items such as the Pool and a Coat Hanger. He has a cactus and a fireplace to fit in the stylish theme of his house and he has a Phonograph. His choice of wallpaper is the Curtain Wallpaper and his choice of flooring is the Checkered Flooring.
OLAF IN BOXES, free to adopt, voiding in 30 minutes


"This is a pretty nice room! It's so nice that I almost want to move right in! Hah ha!"

? Olaf, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Olaf(アントニオ, Antonio) is a smug anteater villager that first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.


Olaf is one of the few villagers to have sleeves and wear pants. He also has a bit of brown hair on his head. His initial appearance is that of a Spanish bullfighter, as referenced by both his Japanese name (Antonio) and the name of his starting garment (Matador's Jacket). His pants and sleeves are not removed if he changes his shirt, proving that the "sleeves" are just part of his body coloration.


Below is a brief description of the smug personality. For more information, click here.
Olaf has a smug personality. This means he will appear kind and gentlemanly when in conversation with the player. He has a tendency to flirt with female characters and fantasize about romance. Olaf will occasionally talk about being into niche hobbies, like being a train fanatic or collecting plastic bottle caps. He will be very interested in fashion and will mention it often in conversations and letters.


Olaf's house resembles somewhat of a pub with items such as the Pool and a Coat Hanger. He has a cactus and a fireplace to fit in the stylish theme of his house and he has a Phonograph. His choice of wallpaper is the Curtain Wallpaper and his choice of flooring is the Checkered Flooring.
RHONDA IN BOXES, Free to adopt


Rhonda (ユメコ, Yumeko?) is a normal rhino villager in the Animal Crossing series who first appears in Animal Crossing: Wild World. She has appeared in every game since.


Rhonda is a white rhino with a cream colored horn on the top of her nose. She has purple hair, navy blue eyeshadow, and two pink blush marks. She may be mistaken for a snooty villager due to her makeup and initial shirt.


Rhonda has the normal personality. She is often kind to the player. She can sometimes be obsessive over hygiene and worries about the player judging everything in her house. She may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, though everyone else gets along with her just fine. (Lazy villagers sometimes admit that they're scared of her when she gets angry.)


Rhonda's house in Animal Crossing: Wild World.
In Animal Crossing: Wild World Rhonda has the regal dresser, a regal couch and bed, and a stereo which plays K.K. Ballad. She has a Lullaboid and the palace flooring.

In Animal Crossing: City Folk Rhonda plays K.K. Ballad on her stereo.

In New Leaf, Rhonda retains her regal dresser and bed and gains a mermaid vanity and mermaid lamp. She does not have a gyroid.
RHONDA IN BOXES, Free to adopt - voiding in 30 minutes


Rhonda (ユメコ, Yumeko?) is a normal rhino villager in the Animal Crossing series who first appears in Animal Crossing: Wild World. She has appeared in every game since.


Rhonda is a white rhino with a cream colored horn on the top of her nose. She has purple hair, navy blue eyeshadow, and two pink blush marks. She may be mistaken for a snooty villager due to her makeup and initial shirt.


Rhonda has the normal personality. She is often kind to the player. She can sometimes be obsessive over hygiene and worries about the player judging everything in her house. She may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, though everyone else gets along with her just fine. (Lazy villagers sometimes admit that they're scared of her when she gets angry.)


Rhonda's house in Animal Crossing: Wild World.
In Animal Crossing: Wild World Rhonda has the regal dresser, a regal couch and bed, and a stereo which plays K.K. Ballad. She has a Lullaboid and the palace flooring.

In Animal Crossing: City Folk Rhonda plays K.K. Ballad on her stereo.

In New Leaf, Rhonda retains her regal dresser and bed and gains a mermaid vanity and mermaid lamp. She does not have a gyroid.
BLAIRE IN BOXES, looking for offers of 20-100 TBT


"My tail looks extra fluffy in this picture."

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Blaire is a snooty squirrel villager from the Animal Crossing series that vaguely resembles a skunk. She has appeared in every game so far. Her Japanese name, 'Silhouette', may reference her gray color which could be considered the color of a silhouette. Her catchphrase, nutlet, is a reference to nuts, which squirrels eat.


Blaire is a black and white squirrel. Her skunk-like appearance might in fact be a play on words of her assigned "snooty" personality, as the term "skunk" can also be used to refer to a contemptible person. Blaire's ears are orange inside. She has a caramel-brown nose and a cream muzzle. Her eyes are large, each with two eyelashes at the top. Her initial clothing is the Peachy shirt. She looks similar to Natasha, another snooty squirrel. Due to her cheerful appearance, she may be mistaken for a peppy or even a normal villager.


Below is a brief description of the snooty personality. For more information, click here.

Blaire has a snooty personality, which means that she is very concerned about fashion, often talking about her appearance to the player, and to other villagers. Like most snooty villagers, when you first meet Blaire, she may seem a little haughty toward you, however once you have become friends with her she will soften up. She will also chat with you about past relationships, some of the mean things guys have said to her, etc, which goes along with her snooty personality. She is very neat and either often brags about her great Happy Room Academy scores or complain about them.


Blaire has a citrus-themed house, along with some red furniture and a metronome. Her house is fun and jazzy. If she achieves a stereo, it will play K.K. Jazz. She has citrus wallpaper and checkered tile. Her house has a very similar design to Monique's GameCube house and Jane's GameCube House. This is because they all have a sofa in the same spot with two tables in front. Both houses have their stereo in the North and chairs and sofas to the East. In New Leaf, she has several items from the Ranch Series, and has a phonograph that plays K.K. Island.
BLAIRE IN BOXES, looking for offers of 20-100 TBT


"My tail looks extra fluffy in this picture."

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Blaire is a snooty squirrel villager from the Animal Crossing series that vaguely resembles a skunk. She has appeared in every game so far. Her Japanese name, 'Silhouette', may reference her gray color which could be considered the color of a silhouette. Her catchphrase, nutlet, is a reference to nuts, which squirrels eat.


Blaire is a black and white squirrel. Her skunk-like appearance might in fact be a play on words of her assigned "snooty" personality, as the term "skunk" can also be used to refer to a contemptible person. Blaire's ears are orange inside. She has a caramel-brown nose and a cream muzzle. Her eyes are large, each with two eyelashes at the top. Her initial clothing is the Peachy shirt. She looks similar to Natasha, another snooty squirrel. Due to her cheerful appearance, she may be mistaken for a peppy or even a normal villager.


Below is a brief description of the snooty personality. For more information, click here.

Blaire has a snooty personality, which means that she is very concerned about fashion, often talking about her appearance to the player, and to other villagers. Like most snooty villagers, when you first meet Blaire, she may seem a little haughty toward you, however once you have become friends with her she will soften up. She will also chat with you about past relationships, some of the mean things guys have said to her, etc, which goes along with her snooty personality. She is very neat and either often brags about her great Happy Room Academy scores or complain about them.


Blaire has a citrus-themed house, along with some red furniture and a metronome. Her house is fun and jazzy. If she achieves a stereo, it will play K.K. Jazz. She has citrus wallpaper and checkered tile. Her house has a very similar design to Monique's GameCube house and Jane's GameCube House. This is because they all have a sofa in the same spot with two tables in front. Both houses have their stereo in the North and chairs and sofas to the East. In New Leaf, she has several items from the Ranch Series, and has a phonograph that plays K.K. Island.
BLAIRE IN BOXES, looking for offers of 20-100 TBT - last bump before she's voided


"My tail looks extra fluffy in this picture."

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Blaire is a snooty squirrel villager from the Animal Crossing series that vaguely resembles a skunk. She has appeared in every game so far. Her Japanese name, 'Silhouette', may reference her gray color which could be considered the color of a silhouette. Her catchphrase, nutlet, is a reference to nuts, which squirrels eat.


Blaire is a black and white squirrel. Her skunk-like appearance might in fact be a play on words of her assigned "snooty" personality, as the term "skunk" can also be used to refer to a contemptible person. Blaire's ears are orange inside. She has a caramel-brown nose and a cream muzzle. Her eyes are large, each with two eyelashes at the top. Her initial clothing is the Peachy shirt. She looks similar to Natasha, another snooty squirrel. Due to her cheerful appearance, she may be mistaken for a peppy or even a normal villager.


Below is a brief description of the snooty personality. For more information, click here.

Blaire has a snooty personality, which means that she is very concerned about fashion, often talking about her appearance to the player, and to other villagers. Like most snooty villagers, when you first meet Blaire, she may seem a little haughty toward you, however once you have become friends with her she will soften up. She will also chat with you about past relationships, some of the mean things guys have said to her, etc, which goes along with her snooty personality. She is very neat and either often brags about her great Happy Room Academy scores or complain about them.


Blaire has a citrus-themed house, along with some red furniture and a metronome. Her house is fun and jazzy. If she achieves a stereo, it will play K.K. Jazz. She has citrus wallpaper and checkered tile. Her house has a very similar design to Monique's GameCube house and Jane's GameCube House. This is because they all have a sofa in the same spot with two tables in front. Both houses have their stereo in the North and chairs and sofas to the East. In New Leaf, she has several items from the Ranch Series, and has a phonograph that plays K.K. Island.
You can give Diana away, i am currently trying to move a villager and the process might take a little longer! :(
CESAR IN BOXES - free to adopt

"All hail my mustache!"

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Cesar (アラン, Alan) is a gorilla with a cranky personality. He has appeared in every Animal Crossing series game so far, including the movie, Dōbutsu no Mori. He is named after the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, hence the catchphrase "highness", which reflects his sense of self-importance and an emperor's kingly status. His name is also likely a reference to the ape with a similar name from the Planet of The Apes series. He had a minor role in Dōbutsu no Mori, where he was friends with Cyrano the anteater, another cranky villager. He looks a lot like a jock villager, to his muscular appearance and body language.

He appears on the cover of Se?or K.K.


Cesar from Animal Crossing
Cesar is an orange and black gorilla, whose black facial hair is in the form of a handlebar mustache. He wears different shirts across games. In earlier games, he wears a two-ball shirt, but it is replaced by an A shirt in future games. The early version of Cesar was supposed to have a A shirt but was bought back in later games. He also had different eyes and a different mustache. He also has a muscular appearance, as he is seen showing off his muscles.


Below is a brief description of the cranky personality. For more information, click here.

As a cranky villager, Cesar will appear mature compared to other personality types. This will make him appear belittling and insensitive to other villagers, including the player. He will enjoy the usual hobbies, but for relaxation and peace than competition. He will find it difficult to socialize with peppy and normal villagers, who he will criticize when talking to other villagers. Cesar in fact finds it difficult to socialize with any other personality including other cranky villagers. Sometimes he will come to your town appearing somewhat friendly especially towards the player. But this is rare. The bad news is that Cesar often comes to your town acting completely nastily towards everyone. He can even upset other cranky villagers and will often stay in his house. If you annoy him (push him, hit him with a net, say something mean or worst of all, trap him in a pitfall) there will be almost nothing to do which can improve your relationship with him.


Cesar's house initially has many monotoned items of furniture, such as the Regal Table, two White Pawns, a retro stereo, two house plants and a gyroid . He also has the Persian Wall and Persian Rug. He also has a retro stereo playing K.K. Lament (A gramophone playing K.K. Casbah in Animal Crossing) on the right hand side. There is also a Regal Sofa at the back of the room in the middle of two white pawns.
CESAR IN BOXES - free to adopt, voiding in 30 mins

"All hail my mustache!"

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Cesar (アラン, Alan) is a gorilla with a cranky personality. He has appeared in every Animal Crossing series game so far, including the movie, Dōbutsu no Mori. He is named after the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, hence the catchphrase "highness", which reflects his sense of self-importance and an emperor's kingly status. His name is also likely a reference to the ape with a similar name from the Planet of The Apes series. He had a minor role in Dōbutsu no Mori, where he was friends with Cyrano the anteater, another cranky villager. He looks a lot like a jock villager, to his muscular appearance and body language.

He appears on the cover of Se?or K.K.


Cesar from Animal Crossing
Cesar is an orange and black gorilla, whose black facial hair is in the form of a handlebar mustache. He wears different shirts across games. In earlier games, he wears a two-ball shirt, but it is replaced by an A shirt in future games. The early version of Cesar was supposed to have a A shirt but was bought back in later games. He also had different eyes and a different mustache. He also has a muscular appearance, as he is seen showing off his muscles.


Below is a brief description of the cranky personality. For more information, click here.

As a cranky villager, Cesar will appear mature compared to other personality types. This will make him appear belittling and insensitive to other villagers, including the player. He will enjoy the usual hobbies, but for relaxation and peace than competition. He will find it difficult to socialize with peppy and normal villagers, who he will criticize when talking to other villagers. Cesar in fact finds it difficult to socialize with any other personality including other cranky villagers. Sometimes he will come to your town appearing somewhat friendly especially towards the player. But this is rare. The bad news is that Cesar often comes to your town acting completely nastily towards everyone. He can even upset other cranky villagers and will often stay in his house. If you annoy him (push him, hit him with a net, say something mean or worst of all, trap him in a pitfall) there will be almost nothing to do which can improve your relationship with him.


Cesar's house initially has many monotoned items of furniture, such as the Regal Table, two White Pawns, a retro stereo, two house plants and a gyroid . He also has the Persian Wall and Persian Rug. He also has a retro stereo playing K.K. Lament (A gramophone playing K.K. Casbah in Animal Crossing) on the right hand side. There is also a Regal Sofa at the back of the room in the middle of two white pawns.
PENELOPE IN BOXES, free to adopt


Penelope (チューこ, Chūko) is a mouse villager that appears in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her initial catchphrase is a reference to the bow that replaces her ears.


Penelope is unique among all the other mice in the fact that she does not have ears, but instead has a pink bow, similar to Celeste. Her fur is of a light gray color with a darker gray nose. The tips of her arms and legs are also a dark gray. She has blonde hair and initially wears the Pink Wave Shirt. When it rains, she will carry the Leaf Umbrella.


Below is a brief description of the peppy personality. For more information, click here.
Penelope is a peppy villager, which means she will appear friendly and nice and will always appear to be in a good mood. She will openly express her feelings with the player. She will tend to get along with normal, lazy, and jock villagers. She does not hesitate talking to snooty and cranky villagers, but may occasionally annoy them.


Penelope's house is feminine in appearance. She has a few pieces from the lovely series; a lovely lamp and bed. She also has a simple love seat, Some Gerbera's, a few items from the alpine series (low table and dresser), a rubber tree, fancy doll, a makeup case, corkboard, a cushion, a mobile, and the sweets player and dresser. She has Bubblegum K.K. on her stereo.
ROCKET IN BOXES, Current high bid is 20 TBT


"All right. Time to face the music. Take me there! Vroom!"

? Rocket, Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Rocket (4ごう, #4) is an uchi gorilla villager in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her Japanese name means, "Number four." By her name, it is implied that she is part of a team with Kid Cat ("Number 1"), Agent S ("Number 2"), and Big Top ("Number 3").


Rocket is categorized within the ranks of the superhero characters. Just like Kid Cat, Agent S, and Big Top she sports a helmet and an outfit both marked with their according number. Her signature wear is a pink helmet lined with white vertical stripes, pink sleeves, pink pants with black and white kneecaps, and a No. 4 shirt. Underneath her superhero outfit she is a blonde gorilla, which you can see on the back of her neck below her helmet. Due to her superhero outfit, some may confuse her for a male gorilla, but this is distinguished by her its pink color.


Below is a brief description of the uchi personality. For more information, click here.
Rocket is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Rocket may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


She will have K.K. Adventure playing on her hi-fi stereo. She has a pink-zap helmet on a lovely dresser.


She is the newest Superhero up to date within the Animal Crossing series.
Rocket prefers coffee with a little milk in it.
ROCKET IN BOXES, Current high bid is 20 TBT


"All right. Time to face the music. Take me there! Vroom!"

? Rocket, Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Rocket (4ごう, #4) is an uchi gorilla villager in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her Japanese name means, "Number four." By her name, it is implied that she is part of a team with Kid Cat ("Number 1"), Agent S ("Number 2"), and Big Top ("Number 3").


Rocket is categorized within the ranks of the superhero characters. Just like Kid Cat, Agent S, and Big Top she sports a helmet and an outfit both marked with their according number. Her signature wear is a pink helmet lined with white vertical stripes, pink sleeves, pink pants with black and white kneecaps, and a No. 4 shirt. Underneath her superhero outfit she is a blonde gorilla, which you can see on the back of her neck below her helmet. Due to her superhero outfit, some may confuse her for a male gorilla, but this is distinguished by her its pink color.


Below is a brief description of the uchi personality. For more information, click here.
Rocket is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Rocket may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


She will have K.K. Adventure playing on her hi-fi stereo. She has a pink-zap helmet on a lovely dresser.


She is the newest Superhero up to date within the Animal Crossing series.
Rocket prefers coffee with a little milk in it.