TBT 2009

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OddCrazyMe said:
UltraByte said:
When did this 'Phantom' appear? It seems like he just appeared out of the blue.

But other than that, awesome story.
Oh the Phantom is like the one from the paintings.

In OoT in the Forest Temple you need to fight Phantom Gannon and he comes out of the paintings.
Not unlike me popping out of a pot and amazing you to death.
Hmmmm who said my bunny army ever dies? MWUHAHAHAHAHAAHA

anyway can't wait to read more!
Heh Maybe we could have a bunny wars event board or something. For fun.


Any way I added the Stock Section to the FF.

;) Thanks To TBTB! :gyroidgrin:
OddCrazyMe said:
Heh Maybe we could have a bunny wars event board or something. For fun.


Any way I added the Stock Section to the FF.

;) Thanks To TBTB! :gyroidgrin:
Do you remember the last bunny wars? >_>
OddCrazyMe said:
Heh Maybe we could have a bunny wars event board or something. For fun.


Any way I added the Stock Section to the FF.

;) Thanks To TBTB! :gyroidgrin:
Do you remember the last bunny wars? >_>
Do I dare bring it back MWUHAHAHHAAHHA
good story, reminds me of harry potter. Although it lacks a certain someone *cough*.
j/k, I don't really care if I am in it or not.
Book 2, Chapter 07: Entering the Spirit Realm

I woke up with a weird feeling overall. I decided to go to the chamber as it still was a full moon. I needed to find out what Super Naruto was trying to tell me. Was there something important there?

As I got closer to the chamber the mountain was erupting like a volcano so I knew time was running out. I asked myself the same questions as the night before.

When I got to the chamber I walked past the pool of and stood on the TBT Symbol. All of a sudden it started to glow and two majestic doors were opened. I walked inside and all of a sudden the two doors slammed me on the inside. It was the work of the evil one who finally reveled himself.
oooo yay


sorry I didn't post anything on it when I read it, i was leaving right after it.

Yeh this chapter wasnt very good but I wanted to get something up. I promise the next one will be better.

And yea Bul being the Gannondorf was a joke by Smart I think. Maybe Sporge.
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