Note: I got this idea from Nikoking and his user dictionary. I don't know why I just did.
What's this guide for? Well it's mini version of urban dictionary. But it only uses Acronyms TBT uses.
If you have more please post tell me.
TBT- The Bell Tree
TBTB- The Bell Tree Bell(s)
OCM- Oddcrazyme
E.P.I.C- European Party of Intertravelling Crossers
PM- Private Message
Spam- Stupid Pointless annoying message
Bump- Bringing up my post
MOD- Moderator
ADMIN- Administrator
AC:CF- Animal Crossing City Folk
AC:LGTTC- Animal Crossing Let's Go to the City
TBT IRC- The Bell Tree Internet Relay Chat
BB- Bacon Boy
Sig- Signature
Avie- Avatar
TBT: GM- TBT:Gaming Magazine
Common Acronyms that don't really "apply" to TBT but many people use.
lol- Laughing out loud
rofl- rolling on floor laughing
lmao- Laughing my @s$ off
lawl- Same as 'lol"
brb- Be right back
gtg- Got to go
wb- Welcome back
TF2- Team Fortress 2
plz/plox- Slang for "Please"
wtf- What the f-word
omg- Oh my God/gosh
idk- I don't know
gtfo- Get the f-word out
idts- I don't think so
IDC - I don't care
ATM - At the moment
AFK - Away from keyboard
WTH- What the hell
FTW- For the Win
TBH- To be honest
FTL- For the loss
BAMF- Bad @$s mother f-bomb
DIAF- Die in a fire
Will keep updating.
So if you know all this it will make your TBT experience much easier! : D