TBT Among Us Sessions 👾


Thank you so much Dun for this giveaway ☺️ 💜

I chose the blossoming outfit as I love dark purple and dresses. I also always love wearing the Batbean hat I know its a bat but to me it looks like a kitty. I think it matches well with my username so I always love wearing it. My favourite visor is the Anime Eyes. I love the soft sparkling pastels.

My favourite pet is The Goose

I hope one day I am able to get one.​
I am here thanks to @Dunquixote! I am clearly new to this game group, but I would love to join!

I have some questions though, I have only played Among Us a couple of years ago on my PC. What device do I need to play with you all?

You can play on any device - switch, pc, tablet or phone. I play on my switch though my connection is unpredictable, and also my tablet for when my switch isn’t cooperating.

We can all still play with each other regardless if we’re all on different devices. 🙂
You can play on any device - switch, pc, tablet or phone. I play on my switch though my connection is unpredictable, and also my tablet for when my switch isn’t cooperating.

We can all still play with each other regardless if we’re all on different devices. 🙂

Okay! So now I am really excited to join! My work hours are a bit late but I will try my best to be here for the next session!

If anyone wants to have a practice session with me, I would appreciate it, so I can get reaquainted.
Among Us Giveaway
okay I have finally decided on an outfit!!!

thank you so much, Dun, for hosting this very generous giveaway (and thank you -Raven- for contributing to it!! that was so sweet of you!!), and as always, thank you tremendously for hosting these sessions!!! I genuinely love playing with you all so much, and it's brought me great joy seeing more people getting into Among Us and joining us! I'm also happy I've been able to play more consistently again!! 🩷


I couldn't decide between the 2, so I will just.... include both..... for funsies....


I've been really curious and sad lol about all the cosmetics I've missed out on, so while looking at them all, I decided to challenge myself a bit for this and design what I think my favourite outfit* would be with cosmetics I don't currently own! or at least.... some..... because I do actually own the hat and visor LOL.
*my favourite outfit will probably look different in a week.... 2 weeks.... a month..... my mind never stays made up for long lmao

I normally gravitate towards more vibrant/colourful aesthetics, but I've really been loving blue/white as a colour combo lately, and my outfit reflects that!!! I fell in love immediately when I saw that skin and know I would never take it off if I actually had it, because bunny!!!!! snow bunny vibes!!!!! fluffy!!!!! I am actually distraught that I missed it, I need it to come back right now...... :c

that hat is also one of my favourites, and I think it goes so well with it!!! I've been trying to experiment with different visors lately (sunglasses my beloved..), but ultimately my little ッ is my favourite!! and the goose!!! my baby!!! I need him so bad.... I yearn for a little goose that follows me around...,

and on that note, my favourite pet is the goose, but my breb is a very, very, very close second!!! in fact, he is tied for first!!! I have many sons none of them are edible and I love them all!!!​
Alrighty, after enough procrastination, I finally got around to doing mine…


This here is my mobster dude, dressed up in a black business suit with fedora and mean-looking eyebrows. As the CEO of LegitiCorp, he carries a lot of respect from those who’ve done business with him for many years. If you’re ever broke and need that limited-edition hat, he can always lend you the beans you need. But beware — you better pay him back in the timeline provided, or you’ll likely end up with a bullet to the head. For personal protection, a miniature Clank acts as his bodyguard, ready to alert him of possible threats that might go down.

My favorite pet from the game is the Doggy. It’s very cute the way it constantly wags its tail and jumps up and down as you walk around places. It even looks adorable when it’s sad as its owner is sliced and diced right in front of them, lying down in despair. No one shall ever hurt the Doggy. I have the blue one on my Switch account, which is different from the account on my PS5 as the latter does not support linking. Because of this, I run with Clank when playing on my PS5 as he’s a console exclusive pet as of right now.​