tbt exchanging?


100% sass 0% class
Aug 3, 2016
Ghostly Kitty Plush
White Carnival Mask
Pumpkin Cupcake
Lost Star Fragment 002.AN
Summer Shell
New Horizons Token
Mother's Day Carnation
Jingle Christmas Doll
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Hi I'm very new to this site and noticed that,you could trade this websites currency for stuff, I'm on moble mostly but could someone explain how to trade this websites currency .-. I have no clue how to do it myself
Additionally, if you look above, there is a "shop" tab. If you click on that, there is a place in which you can buy forum extensions and collectibles. The collectibles are displayed under your bar, and are practically useless, yet people (me included) are crazy for them.

There are more uses, as well.
You can buy Pok?mon for it, along with other things like Flight Rising currencies, Pokeheroes currency, etc.
How does one get TBTs?

Post or sell stuff. That's where the bulk of your Bells will come from.

Hi I'm very new to this site and noticed that,you could trade this websites currency for stuff, I'm on moble mostly but could someone explain how to trade this websites currency .-. I have no clue how to do it myself

Assuming you read the other responses first, I'd really recommend doing trading and whatnot on a computer. Much easier!
In case you didn't know, to send TBT to another user you click their number of bells (under their username), select how many bells you want to transfer and then send.