TBT Game Night - 2014 Edition

I miss being pyro on TF2 :') I'm sorry I missed out on MK7 tonight, I only just got home when everyone stopped playing. I will hopefully be able to play next Monday!

Time to go buy MK7!

League of Legends night please

YES. Don't hate me but I'm only like...level 11, but I make a good top....
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League of lesbanos's ******** region locking will make it a difficult game to play for game night.
Who plays that awful game besides you and Karla? :)

Civilization Thursdays pls.

Well excuse me not only me and karla plays dota 2 so please :rolleyes:
Eww Civilization V (wait... I didn't play that game)

I can't sleep dang it...
Glad to see this is starting up again. I don't own MK7 but I'd love to get involved again once some of the other nights are brought back! Not that I was really involved much last time but ehh
I have a suggestion: Friday night new leaf. we play ACNL every Friday night or any other night you'd like

I don't think that people really like to play ACNL with a set time and date - and seeing as there can only be 4 players in a town, how would this work?
Dang it, I'll try to make it but I doubt it.
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