TBT Hacking Endorsement Proposal | Redd's Tent

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Sep 11, 2013
Blue Hybrid Rose
New Leaf Token
Gold Trophy (First Place)
Chao Easter Egg
Bronze Trophy (Third Place)
Voodoo Doll

Hi, everyone! So, a while ago you guys may remember some discussions about hacking going on, and a lot of people seemed to be very accepting of it. As a hacker myself, I feel like we?ve made a lot of progress since the game first released and today I would like to make a plea for the staff to officially endorse hacking discussion. Big thanks to lostineverfreeforest for the support and encouragement to go ahead with this!

I?m gonna get right to the point, as I understand the staff have better things to do than read about a game they most likely have no interest in ever hacking themselves, and perhaps even playing anymore. We are at a point where hacking is simple, relatively straightforward, and it is literally impossible to brick your game if you keep a backup of your save file.

With hacks, you can choose the villagers you desire, move rocks, customise your towns geometry (in accordance with certain regulations, such as rock quantity and beach quantity), and have any items that you want. This brings players a whole new level of creativity, and it's been happening long since the days of Wild World and City Folk!

I feel as if there is a huge disconnection between players of the game and what is allowed here. I?ve seen people get into hacking and see it spark new interest in the game for them, but they?ve gone to Tumblr and Reddit instead of here because they feel as if they are unwelcome, and the reason they?re unwelcome (to my understanding) is because the staff believe it is unsafe to use, which may have been true years ago, but not anymore!

Hackers make up such a huge part of the community nowadays, and with it being 100% safe and impossible to brick, there is no real reason to prohibit it anymore. It would attract more (new and old) users to this fabulous community, and there would be a lot more topics to discuss.

With my thorough knowledge of the subject, I would like to ask permission to open a single hacking thread (called Redd?s Tent) for all discussion, questions, and my own guides on how to hack, using the safest, most straightforward methods available today.

The truth of the matter is that, unlike when the game first came out, hacking is no longer something to be afraid of, and I feel like it would be a good idea to endorse it, one step at a time, and experiment with the idea at the very least.

I understand the staff will be pretty skeptical about this, and so I felt like it was important to make this a public thing so all us regular members can give their take on the idea, and maybe that could be how it gets decided. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I've always been interested in hacking since I've seen it from the most simplest things (hacking in bells, items etc) to the more complex one (making your own villagers moving around buildings etc) and I've even tried hacking on another game (fire emblem fates)
I haven't hacked acnl yet since I'm not good at hacking (I need my brothers help on it and he doesn't wanna do ittt >_<) and also the fact I just updated my 2DS and idk if the homebrew setup will work now lol
I'd love for a guide or just a place to discuss hacking just so I can meet others who can maybe help me with it or just show off how cool they are with all their like neat little clovers in their water or something lol
While I don't believe you had ill intentions here, you're well aware that we don't currently allow hacking discussion to take place on the forum, and we certainly aren't at the point where we're going to allow a comprehensive hacking guide to be posted. It would have been much better for you to propose something like this or share your thoughts and ideas about this topic in our Contact the Staff board rather than to make a public thread about something that very obviously goes against our current rules and guidelines.

That being said, we are always adapting to shifts in what the community wants and our rules and guidelines have always and will continue to evolve, but as of now we still aren't allowing people to post hacking tutorials or sell hacked items, and we have multiple reasons for this which I'm sure have all been gone over previously. I can also say that game safety certainly isn't our only concern when it comes to hacking and save manipulation; there's also the fact that this site (unlike tumblr and Reddit) has its own currency and economy and things would undoubtedly become skewed as a result of opening the hacking floodgates and allowing people to freely sell hacked goods. A huge shift like that wouldn't be without consequence.

Of course, we do know that a large percentage of the ACNL community is either actively hacking or is interested in it. I won't say that the discussion of hacking or sales of hacked goods will never be allowed as we do want our community to be one where everyone feels welcome and all playstyles are accepted, but as of now our rules and guidelines are going to stay as they are. Creating a thread like this won't tell us anything that we don't already know regarding interest in hacking; we know it's there, but a huge overhaul in our rules about these things isn't going to happen overnight and certainly not as a result of a petition-like thread.

Please feel free to create a thread in Contact the Staff if you have anything else to add, or PM me and I'll be sure to pass it along to the others. I don't want you to take my closure of this thread to mean that we aren't listening or that we don't hear you, but this may have been a bit too brazen a way to go about things when we're dealing with a topic that's currently off limits. :blush:
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